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In the world of Preia

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15th of Rova, 105 RA

At last we have found the Starchild. Her image has been made clear to me and we have located her in the mages college town of Eti. Retrieving her shall be no small feat, but with the dragon on my side, I should have no issues procuring her... cooperation.

22nd of Rova, 105 RA

Malikorvak and I have been trying to break through the barrier into Eti for weeks now. It seems finally we have gotten our hands on just the artifact we needed though. With this orb of dragon kind, it should enhance the abilities of Malikorvak and allow us to finally smash through that pesky shield. 

22nd of Rova, 105 RA

Success! We have managed too break down the shield around Eti and claim the Starchild for ourselves. We barely got away with our lives though, how were we supposed to know that the wizards of the college could shift forms into dragons themselves! Such powerful magic, but it matters not. The 'Beast of Nym' will awaken once more and lay waste to the college soon enough.

25th of Rova, 105 RA

The Starchild sleeps soundly since her capture. It seems to have been a traumatic event on such a young woman, pity. Malikorvak claims to have spotted the same troublesome adventurers who stole the runestones from me earlier this very day. It matters not though, as the storm that shall awaken the beast draws near. I truly hope that this damned orb is as reliable as he says..

26th of Rova, 105 RA

That blasted Malikorvak has disobeyed my orders yet again. I was told this orb would give me control of dragons in resonance with my runestone, but it seems it does not work on all of them. Hopefully it will work on this 'Beast of Nym'. Regardless, the dragon has taken the Starchild to Hell's Pit for safekeeping and shall return in a few days time. Hopefully by then this storm will have taken it's course and the ritual be complete. Nym will fall again.

27th of Rova, 105 RA

Time draws close but it must flow even faster. The blasted adventurers are surely making their way through the jungle by this point and will arrive in a matter of days or even mere hours. I must accelerate the storm and bring it forth to strike down on the obelisks. Once it is done, the avatar of the beast shall emerge and break down the gates of Nym that have remained shut despite my best attempts. I will revive the beast and destroy what remains of Nym.


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