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Skarsnik Enys Katara Axton

In the world of Coriolis_old

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You lie down and close your eyes and feel a sharp pain in your chest. You open your eyes to see your raven queen dagger sticking outside of your chest. You feel the cold dirt underneath you but feel all your muscles clenched up as you feel almost on the brink of death. Everything is around you is dark and quiet. You hear a deep and warm female voice speak to you.

 "You shouldn't mess with the flow of time small one."

You hear a soft laugh slowly fade into the distance as the world around you seems to fade back into reality. Only to turn dark again as you fall unconscious.

First of all, I don't really know what to write. I'm sorry if I came of rude the other day... I just think it's stupid of you to be so reckless with your own life. Everybody goes into the storm and nobody returns. And I can't attach myself to somebody who is so reckless and I could lose so easily.

I really enjoyed our date. It's not too late to turn back. I'll go on a second date with you, if you return and then I can maybe show you my ship. There's plenty of other magical items to find and things to discover outside of the storm. You don't need to do this.

However, even though you're an idiot, I wish you and the party you lead the best of luck and will welcome you again if you somehow make it back alive. If you do not, I will gladly tell the tale of Skarsnik, servant of the Queen of Ravens, wielder of Blackout, slayer of dragons green and blue, tamer of brass dragons. The idiot that decided to come back to Ur Borm after having escaped.

- Maesiesz (enclosed is one small portrait of maesiesz)

You open your eyes to see you're trapped on a table. You can't seem to move any of your muscles, only your eyes. Your breath quickens a bit as you try to look around. But all you can see is a bright purple light above you and tentacle shapes all around you. Your body is held by 6 sharp tentacles as well. A figure, back lit by the light orb floats into your vision. You recognize the mind flayer Ulitharid, with his upright collar. He reaches his hand to something outside of your vision. You hear a faint splash of water. 2 other mind flayers are watching to the side as he pulls up this small purple worm. The tadpole screeches sharply as it latches on to your eye and you feel the sharp pain as it climbs into your skull towards your brain. You feel the tentacles grip onto you tightly. As you feel the pressure increase in your body, your skin bursts as you look down to see your legs being transformed into purple slimy tentacles. You feel your fingers bursting as you get your 4 fingered mind flayer hand. And you feel a massive headache swell and swell until you feel the skin rip between your temples and you feel in your mouth the tentacles forming and expanding as your cheeks rupture forming your new face.

Your head hurts and aches as it struggles to remember. But you remember... snowfall, all around, and tracks. You've been following these tracks for a quite a few days, maybe even a week. You're travelling with 2 other figures. It's night time right now but you've never had trouble with that. You couple of meters before you you see a familiar campsite. With a big familiar tent standing in the middle. You watch as your two companions telepathically communicate to you, in deep speech, a basic battle plan. You see them float over to a large brass dragon and a half-orc keeping watch. They don't notice as Omaira get's grappled and her brains sucked out. Enys immediately get's downed by the psychic blasts they launch. Shortly after you sneak into the tent. And you eliminate them one by one. You start with Filthel, quickly and silently you shoot him with your crossbow. You reload. Next up, Axton. Clean kill. You reload your crossbow once again but the other two seem to be waking up regardless. You instinctly blast them with a psychic blast to which Katara grovels. Two black eldritch blasts shoot out of your crossbow and hit your old friend. Jarghull. In the head as it explodes and the blood scatters everywhere. Katara now looks up at you, being shocked awake. You see her looking straight into your eyes. She recognizes you, you recognize her. She look confused and hesitates. As she softly mutters your old name "Skarsnik..." But you don't care, without hesitation another bolt is fired into her leg. She screams out in agony as she sits there on her knees unable to do anything. You slowly walk closer. She tries to throw a couple punches your way and you even see her ring flare up. But you counterspell it with one hand as you bamf away your crossbow and hold on to her neck. Your tentacles wrapping around her head. You penetrate her skull with your mouth and start to suck out her memories. You remember thinking "huh interesting" but the memories you sucked out of her now seem vague and uncertain. You feel her arms and body relax as the life leaves her body.

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