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Skarsnik Enys Katara Axton

In the world of Coriolis_old

Visit Coriolis_old

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You find yourself lying down on a small mountain, it's very comfortable. You feel. Satisfied. You look and see the mountain you're laying on is made of gold coins, treasure chests, regular and magical weapons. You're in a lair deep underground. You walk up to the stairs and your dragon body transforms into your human form. And you almost inherintly know the way and start walking up the stairs and arrive in a big meeting room.

The room is baron, only a couple tapestries and paintings hang upon the wall with a couple of candles lighting up the room. Although it's filled with people. People you like talking to and bring you interesting stories, People that serve you. As they should, because you're better than them. A couple of minutes of plain conversation goes by. They tell about what's going on on the surface, some have a couple ideas on where to find more gold and magic items for you to expand your empire with.

But this doesn't last. The candles dim as the room turns almost dark. Not a problem for you though because you have true sight. But a spot lights up and you hear the slow footsteps of someone walking inside the room. As the figure approaches the light, his silhouette slowly revealing itself.

"You're weak."

You see didron standing in front of you. Draconic wings on his back, staff of power in his hand. And his face as you remember it, although it's scarred and wisened.

"Have you any idea of what you've done?"

"First you defy your duties of becoming the next wizard. Now you defy death and you make mother resurrect you. Now you're travelling with someone that's messing with time itself. Dragon or not, it's time to grow up Enys. Take responsibility for your actions."

"I'm almost back in driord, how long are you planning on staying?"

"Mother is dead because of you."

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