Manuscripts | World Anvil

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By Ellaura

4340 1 0 18064

Ikarus was raised a prisoner in the palace of Knossos on the island of Genesis in ancient Greece. For as long as he can remember he has known that he is the one thing holding his father, the famed Daedalus, back from escaping servitude. King Minos wouldn’t...

White Raven

By NathaliaBooks1993

49134 5 0 45276

Danger is not a stranger to Raven, she lived with the fear for her live ever she was old enough to be noticed. Jealousy can drive people far, even until murder. But when she was at the receiving end of an attempt on her life, she was saved by an unknown stranger....

Peter Pan but Make it Gay (needs a title)

By CharlyGracious

37721 1 1 7718

A boy who refuses to grow up must face that fear to stop the shadows from destroying his world.