As part of a major overhaul to VISCERIUM and its foundations, I've been working away over the past couple of months to bring you two new articles - complete re-writes of previous content. Those two articles are:
  Update #1: The Myrkild
Species | Aug 29, 2024

A Myrkild is a form of microorganism that is the basis of all beings within the Myrkildicary.

  Update #2: The Hornd & Uyil-bound
Hornd & Uyil-bound
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 20, 2024

The powers bestowed upon an individual when they bind with a Naranor or Myrkild.

  As a sneak-preview to anyone who has read this far, the next major update will be unveiling the Naranor ahead of WorldEmber so that I can focus on each Zenith during the event.
  #Viscerium #DarkFantasy #DarkScienceFantasy #LowMagic