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Session 1 Report

General Summary

Thursday, July 6th, 1053

The party sits down to family dinner with Grampa Joe, as is tradition. In the middle of dinner, unknown soldiers barge in and demand “the artifact”. Nobody knows what they’re talking about. When confronted by Cal, a member of The Watch, the soldiers drew weapons and attacked. After a rough battle where combatants on both sides fell, the apparent captain of the enemy reaches for a pendant and utters mystical speech. Suddenly, a man in robes, armor, and a skull-like facemask appears in a crackle of purple energy. He surveys the room, makes a few gestures, and the room fills with fire, knocking everyone unconscious. Just before you vision dims to black, you see the man grab the limp body of Grampa Joe, and disappear.

Monday, July 3rd, 1053.

The party investigates a missing person case brought to Robinson. Peter, the son of Tinker Vincent Delancey, has gone missing. Clues lead to the library, where they find that peter has been sneaking away with Lena van Rees. Finding informants at a kids’ hangout location by the bridge, they learn that kids often go to Peaks Island to perform “Lover’s Leap” - jumping together into a hidden pool on the island. The party sails to the island, finding a rowboat tied up there. They find that the lowered level of the water has exposed an entrance to an ancient dungeon in the mountain that makes up the island. The party descends into the dungeons, fighting some giant leeches in the pool at the bottom of the pit. They see the normal passageway that leads kids out of the pool, and a newly exposed passageway underneath it. Entering this passage, the party finds the two kids, well, but starving from two days stuck in the passage with no way out. The party find frescos on the wall showing a great battle between 5 heroes and a huge tides of evil-looking beasts. They go a little deeper into the dungeon and find a room with 6 lanterns and one empty chain where they presume a lantern must live. They activate a trigger on a sarcophagus that raises an elevator of some sort in one of the alcoves. Deciding to avoid going any further into the dungeon while they have these two kids, they return to Winter Harbor, dropping Cal off with them to return them to their parents.

Report Date
20 Jun 2022

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