Session 11: Rough Waters Report

General Summary

Last we left off, the five guys were in the city of Trossal and followed Smithy to go see his family. As he approached his house with the door adorned with flowers and gifts for condolences, they noticed that the flowers withered in his presence. Entering, they met his "brother" Geran who asked if he was a good smithy or a bad smithy, then he spoke to his father and requested that he wait a few days as he was going to try and get her back. After some dialogue, the group exited and made their way back to Chloe where she bamfed them over to the island of Wallingfil Cay, the home of the sea elves. There, Volii noticed a green dwarf staring off into the water and went over to talk to him while the rest of the group meandered around the main part of the village. Eventually, they made their way to Volii's house where they met his sister Tara who wasn't happy to see Volii and explained that his mother wasn't there but the group was welcome to stay until she was. Ignor and Lucid left to go do some shopping, Smithy and Dot stayed behind and shared beverages with the sea elf girl, and Volii went down to the ocean side where he saw his mother and they caught dinner for the night. During conversations, they also found out about Bubble, the wood elf they called forest, and then the legless sea elf that was injured during the war called the Lutienant. :) Lucid and Ignor found some interesting items for trade from the tide master and the coral artisan and lucid even bought dot a set of bracers as an act of kindness.   As the day pressed forward and the bon fire dinner arrived Volii continued having conversations with his sister throughout the evening who told him that she had found her faith and had been blessed by a wandering acolyte that had opened her eyes to the deep. She said that there were plans to take out the cursed island and to bring their father back so their mother would stop crying at night at the loss of both the men in her life. Dot had a conversation with the elf they called Forest who said that he had fled here and had found peace in the simplicity of the island life. After the party died down, Ignor was called off by Chloe who was down at the beach with Nebnuss who stepped towards him and revealed that Angelina the goddess of war was actually his mother. She explained how she fell down to the world, her run ins with a man called the hat, how she settled down and became pregnant, and ultimately her demise and how the hat came to be able to utilize the war pick to its fullest potential. She also explained that some of the other gods were here...the god of light (a degenerate gambler) and the god of nature (a stoic, cryptic asshole). All this along with an apology and how proud of him she was, as well as she wanted him to talk to his friend who had the war pick and help him cope with his loss. During that time, Lucid had convinced Dot to utilize his true sight capabilities to see if Ignor or anyone else was Arty and they topped the hill; unfortunately, with some of the things Dot saw during that time he explained to Lucid that they can talk to Ignor later as it is a personal matter. With that, Chloe stepped away with Nebnuss to return her back to her family and take them to the other continent for safe keeping. Ignor had a hard conversation with Smithy, revealing that it was Smithy's own actions and the attunement of the pick that ended up killing his mother and try as he may he could not remove the marks that had branded him...that is until a voice echoed in his mind and asked if he was willing to take a chance. Smithy did...and smithy rolled dice...the dice of his very soul and fabric of his being and just barely came out ahead...winning. The god of light Felotl appeared before him and picked up his hammer, asking him to become a paladin of the light to fight the true enemy rather than all the noise he had been chasing now. Smithy accepted and was reborn anew. All marks gone with a hope that maybe, just maybe they could bring his mother back.   After that, Volii found himself trying to figure out where things went wrong and approached the temple where his sister was there and invited him in. Inside, there was an undead captain and two spectral sharks floating around a pool and she constantly requested his help. Volii decided to leave and walk on the beach before heading back to the tiny hut where he spoke to Ignor and the troops were rallied. Unfortunately there was a good bit of time that had passed and so the only thing remaining in the temple at the time was the sharks and the group began their assault. The captain as well as some undead pirates came out the water to attack them. After taking out the sharks and some of the crew, Smithy unleashed hell upon the captain and sent him into the afterlife. Soon after, Volii received a message from his sister telling him to stay away from the cursed island as she was headed there to finish the ritual of the deep to sink it and remove all of the evil from there. The group finished their rest and prepped a boat to be pulled with smithy's mighty steed that had taken the form of a shark the night before. About halfway to the edge of the island a giant sea serpant errupted from the water, blocking their path on their tiny dingy and the sun glittered off of a golden trident that had been thrust into the beasts head.

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