Session 7: The Orc City Report

General Summary

Last we left off, the group left from the battle field of the boar and returned back to the tavern where they were sent underground and met with Bula, the wife of Azuk. She spoke to them as equals with a bit of uncertainty on why they were helping them where the truth was revealed. Although Azuk might be upset of the artifact missing, she feels as thought it's for the best of their people that it be removed and she will deal with her husband. She also advised that she would provide transporation that was a gift from the elves many years ago. They would be the heroes that the city deserves, but not the one it needs right now. Resting Smithy had a dream with his ancestors that did not harbor any ill intentions about his choices, but praising the fact that he'd become a warrior. Lucid also had a dream where he had a conversation with his old boss the Hat who told him he needed to go home and "get fixed". After awakening, the group made their way towards the area where the artifact was placed with a single guard protecting it. Smithy was the first to make his way up there and spoke with the guard and then retrieved the broken blade...only to realize that it was a fake and that Ygash had set an ambush with infiltrators...although, it seemed there was only one that wasn't sick that morning. From here a grand battle took place, stones were hurled, smithy's were smashed, and with a little luck and fortitude Ygash the Giantbutcher was slain with her head sticking on a pike. The group wrestled the broken blade artifact from around her neck and made their exit, brandishing their elemental sled with Arty, Smithy, and Lucid as able drivers. They exited the city in a blur of steam and headed back to Trosell.    As the group made their way back to Trosell, Smithy departed once more to return to his house while the others made their way to have a "business transaction" with Gror. Returning the blade to him, he had Melvin return the left hand of Lucid and explained that a side effect of splitting something for so long was creatures from the astral sea would start attempting to "nibble" on it, so they had to protect their investment. He did offer that because they did such a good job for him that they could head down to the islands in the south east where the second half of the blade existed and the hat was mak'n his way down there. Arty and Lucid departed, while Dot and Volli stayed behind. Dot found himself with a kinder, gentler Gror who offered him "redemption" in the form of healing as well as negotiatied the commander's release before exiting down the hall with Melvin and the rest of the group who entered a teleportation circle. In a flash, they were in a facility where an almost drone-like drow carried them deeper in.    With that moment, the group came face-to-face with a mind flayer and a couple of intellect devourers. He placed Dot into a solution chamber that regenerated his ears and removed the scars to make him a whole boy again. They also offered the rest of the group the "weapon", which was sorcerer blood transfusions. Seeing the "victim-teers" Arty chose to be infused with Fey and Wild magic capabilities while Lucid chose the bloodline of dragons. The infusions went without any issue and they watched as the vessels of once powerful magic bloodline just seemed to melt away into nothingness. Unfortunately though, the mindflayers seemed to owe a favor to a diety and almost immediately they felt this intense wave of psychic pressure forced down upon them...even reaching up to where Smithy was. The bag of holding immediately started bouncing around and try as he may, unfortunately, he wasn't able to stop the will of the god of secrets and was drug down into the facility with the rest of the group. The box leapt out of the bag and rattled across the ground, glowing and getting hot until final the artifact broke though and a red mist that seemed to paralyze everyone there except for Arty  and a single eye floated out taking the shape of a figure. This figure gave young artimus a choice and Arty chose and the eye pushed his own out and attached itself sealing the deal. The figure in the red mist turned his head towards the mind flayer and commanded that they uphold their oath. Things seemed quite grim and it seemed the flayer was going to have many brain snacks, but then a figure streamed in on a ball of fire landing and dispesing the mist, freeing the rest of the group. Attempting to take Arty down, he immediatley threw a counterspell and bamf-ed away. The group then made short work of their enemies and escaped out into the underdark where Ignor explained that Arty was a changeling and that the silver dragon had sent him there to stop the return of the God of Undeath and Secrets, Vecna. Their conversation was cut short though as a single arrow landed near their feet and a group of drow stepped out asking them "Why are you out here thrall?"...and when they were able to answer not "thrall-y", the group was requested to follow them back to their encampment...

Campaign 2: The War-Torn Continent
Report Date
25 May 2024

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