Session 10: Undermine the Underdark Report

General Summary

Last we left off, the five guys split into two separate groups. Smithy was taken to jail at the news of his mother's death and awaited a trial while the rest of the group began trying to figure out what to do. During that time, Melvin informed them that Mr. Gror requested a meeting with them to ask them to retrieve the other part of the sword from the cursed island; however, much to their surprise there was another meeting happening with Gror with a familiar face to Ignor...Chloe, the ancient silver dragon. The group gathered supplies and decided while Smithy was incarerated that they would go to the forest and retrieve the weapon that had been gifted to Dot from his goddess. Getting Chloe to help them teleport nearby, they entered the forest where they met a young girl and a talking cat named Mr. Whispurrs who was a meowgician and he explained that they had been asked to come there to purge the evil of the forest. Continuing forward, the group eventually came upon Nessa the moon elf that they had met in Tottenham and a familiar face to Dot, one of his people named Oberon; however, he appeared much different and was in the middle of performing some kind of ritual. A great battle ensued and with the help of the young girl and the cat, the group was able to take down Oberon and his guards and the priestess restrung the god killing weapon for Dot only after he agreed to the plight of the world. The group learned that the original gods were confined to a singular continent and that Vecna was a puppet of a greater threat that was only called "Undeath". They also learned that the gods that they worship on this side of the world are more than likely a visage of Undeath who has grown in power and is also known as the great deciever. They also learned that Vecna was the physical manifestation of undeath. Dot agreed and obtained the god killing weapon and the party made their way back towards Trossal.    During this time, Smithy remained in jail and had a conversation with Gror to strike a deal as well as an old man put in jail for peeing on a guards foot, and a younger man who seemed to enjoy gambling. The mummified cat appeared to Smithy, offering condolences for the loss of his mother and a warning to keep away and to stop this crusade against him. Smithy also had a dream where he found the truth of his ancestors that they too were all part of the great deciever's wishes. The hag there offered him a gift. If he is able to take out Arty, then she would bring his mother back. Smithy agreed. Offering to use the dark god's gift for his own justifications. It wasn't long before trial began and the defense began an argument that eventually led to enough unknowns to not place a guilty verdict on the young dwarven man. Soon he was able to get out and he went to see his mother's body where he performed a ritual to prevent her from becoming undead to allow safe passage across the lands back to the home of the dwarves in Heggolar. During that time, Lucid was able to sell off some things that he'd acquired and the group began making their plans of what to do next. Smithy went off to go see his father while the group messaged Chloe who will send them to Wallingfal Cay, the home of the sea elves where Volii hailed from.

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