Session 4: The Artifact Report

General Summary

Last we left off, the 5 guys celebrated their victory against the undead and smithy regalded in some tales from Rodrick at the pub. The group made their way to the forbidden treasures brothel, where Arty met Indoris who along with the time of his life, decided to give him a reading of his past, present, and future. After relations were finished, the group continued towards Zedsia, traveling across the lands governed by the Iron Parliament where Arty decided to set up camp with the tavern dart that he'd found from the mummy's crypt. While inside of the inn with spectral staff, curious patrons wandered in and one of these curious patrons explained to lucid that "Daddy is going to be mad if she doesn't get home soon." It wasn't long after this scenario when a bounty hunter crashed the party and attempted to kidnap Arty. Leaping into action, the group took care of this death cleric and send his head rolling back into the teleport circle that he'd set up outside of the establishment where Arty explained that he was being hunted by a demon lord.    The next day, the group made their way to Zedsia and were welcomed with open arms and freedom to express themselves during the night of the full moon. Before the festivities, the group met Golfingiml, an elf who ran a local apothecary where the group procured some...interesting magic items. After the wedding ceremony, the head priest Sister Marsyl was slightly captivated by Dot where she noticed the dagger he had found in the sewers underneath the magic school. After he explained where he'd gotten it from, it was offered for him to complete a ritual in which he was able to walk across the stones of the moon to be able to attune to this weapon. With everyone's spirits now high the next day, the artifact was examined and Marsyl explained to the group that a great evil resided in it and offered to destroy it. Arty for some reason did not seem to want to let it go, so compromising the group obtained a moon forged box that was to be sealed with blood magic using dots blood and placed it in a bag of holding the group was requested to leave immediatley.    After this, they found their way towards Trosall where immediately the were brought forth to one of the four towers as special guests and left in a waiting chamber. During this time, Smithy took the amulet that could track arty and turned invisible and snuck off away from the group to have his own side quest. The group was brought before Gror Nozisk and the hat who was tied up and beaten in a chair in the corner. Gror presented a problem to them with a child that had been caught attempting to steal from them earlier. After some dialogue between he and Arty, the child was then disentigrated before their very eyes and Gror pulled out the armor that smithy had left behind. Explaining to the group that they had been accused of high treason due to murder and stealing the artifact, they were able to convince him that it had been lost in the sewers under Kixelts. Arty was able to intimidate Gror enough to be promised a weapon should they return an item back to him from the orc city. Gror also explained that he'd heard of lucid from the hat and would need to wear something that would help him be tracked and as the bracelet went across lucid's arm, his hand was cut off and landed on the ground with an explanation that perhaps he'd come back to save himself to ensure a proper transaction. In shock and awe, the group also watched as the hat stood up out of the chair laughing and wiped the makeup off of his face shaking his head at lucid who explained that "No one tries to double cross the hat." Gror would motion towards the door and look back at the group, "Jah, if that is all...hat and I have to discuss. Mervin!"   And with that, a younger human (probably around his late teens) figure steps in through the door holding a book in his arms wearing a set of light blue robes and crooked glasses on his nose and oily black hair that hangs in front of his face. "Oooh, my name is Mervin and I'll be your lieason for mr. gror. Please, come this way.

Campaign 2: The War-Torn Continent
Report Date
17 Feb 2024

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