Session 1: The Artifact Report

General Summary

Last we left off a group of random strangers with their own individual wants and needs came together by threads of fate. An elf alone in the forest born of the sea, lost and enamoured by the ripple water of a pond. A young half dwarf helping passers by and preachig the good word of his mother's armor works. A man completely hidden taking odd jobs for coin to survive. A bard desperately wanting to make his mark of fame in the world. A bugbear loosely tied to a group will survival and possible ill intentions. Eventually all of these random strangers made their way to the tavern and inn in the small town of Rustrun where the tranquility was shattered with a cart crashing through the front of the establishment. From this cart a blue kobold and a young girl tumbled out with zombies crawling after them. A battle ensued while all of the patrons of the tavern scattered to safety and the group was victorious, slaying the undead and saving the girl. Moments later a butler came jogging up the road and explained to the group the situation and that Nebnuss Smilkie and Iggo were in route to Kixelts and with a pit stop the were attacked and the guards became scared and sped off into the night. The group found themselves with an opportunity to make some coin and to achieve some of their own goals at the school and decided to travel as body guards.    Days passed as the group made their way towards the school where they encountered a man that had been polymorphed into a goat along with a cart heading in the direction that had come from being driven by half orcs. Tension grew as they approached the elven forest. The night that they camped in the forest, Nebnuss decided to send her construct out into the woods to explore under the watch of Lucid. During Dot's watch, he was approached by a female elf who tossed the broken spider back towards him and explained that she understood the curiousity of a child; however, the next watcher might not be so gracious. After a slight scolding, the group continued on out of the forest and towards the city of Chillglen.    Upon entering the city, they noticed that it was on fire with desert bandits grabbing supplies and attempting to drag people away. Smithy charged into the fray with Volii and Lucid behind him and Dot along with Artey remaining behind. Jeeves remained steadfast at the helm of the cart ready to drive away to safety and Iggo hiding under the seats of the cart. Nebnuss however found the taste of adventure too much and was able to sneak out of the other side and charge into the fray. Surprised by this, the group attempted to go after her, but their efforts were thwarted by the sand king who poisoned Nebnuss (along with taking some substantial hits) and leapt away with her further town. Smithy was able to free the townsfolk and knock the bandits unconscious and tie them up while Artey pushed beyond him limits (with reprocussions) to help his fallen comrades. Dot and Lucid took chase and parkoured through the city in their attempts to find the sand king. Disoriented and lost, they pushed their skills beyond their limits and slew the sand king before the rest of the group caught up. After taking a moment to reorient themselves, they immediately took to the desert and tracked down the remnants of the bandit group that had captured Nebnuss.    Approaching what appeared to be ruins of a temple a creature guarded it while a large, red colored snake snuck up behind the group. Looking over at the snake as well as the creature, the snake began to speak...explaining that it had escaped from the school's experiments and fled into the desert where the creature before them had taken out its eye. With light gleaming off of Smithy's shield (or weapon) the creature charged towards them where they were easily able to slay it and provide the giant fire snake Boitata with a meal fit for a king. As they entered the ruined temple, Lucid began to check for traps where he came face-to-face with a mummy staring him down.

Campaign 2: The War-Torn Continent
Report Date
05 Nov 2023

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