Session 12: Rough Waters Report

General Summary

Last we left off, the five guys engaged in a battle against the leviathan where it immediately unleashed a breath weapon and destroyed the dingy that they were in. The group attempted to combat it, but found that lightning attacks were being deflected back to the trident stuck in its head and with blood in the water, sharks began swimming towards them hungry for blood. Volii was able to grab his destiny and made a promise to his new god Ilmos and then was swallowed whole by the creature. Taking down the sharks and the giant creature, the group tied themselves off to Nebrell and skated towards the cursed island.   Upon landing, they entered the jungles where they met many dangers head on from sneaking around an Anklyasaurus, to being hunted down by a pack of raptors. After the raptors and some rest, the group ended up going through a magical stream that seemed to swap around some of their strengths and weakness and then came upon a triceratops with a nest of two young hatchlings and two eggs. Lucid attempted to pilfer the eggs and was successful; however, the baby dinos cried out in fear and big mama charged towards the direction of Lucid where she ran head first into Dothronk. The group tangled with the dinosaur; however, it was the incredible strength of Dothronk that held the beast at bay with a body slam, a punch to the face, and then ultimately tearing its jaw from its face, the group stood victorious.   Further in, the group ran across the king of the jungle where it was smithy's turn to be on the receiving end of jagged pointy teeth. After a long hard fight, smithy's divine smites exploded from the inside of the creature where it fell over having its guts burnt from the inside out. The group pressed on until they reached the temple, with a campfire lit off to the side and dinosaur meat cooking over it. It was there that Lucid met the hat face-to-face again and had a conversation and oh what a conversation it was. Lucid decided at that moment, there wasn't any bitch in his blood and he attacked the hat who immediately unleashed a summon from special bullets within his gun that called forth the power of Talona and devistated the party. For good measure, he also pulled his sword out and attacked Lucid, dropping him to show him who was boss...until smithy ran in. The hat, knowing that he wouldn't be able to handle all four of them together began the ritualistic enchantment of reloading the gun to prepare for another onslaught, until Volii requested the help of his god...and a bolt of lightning careened from the heavens, causing the gun to explode in his hand and also knocking smithy down. Having taken a decent amount of damage, the hat decided that it would be best to leave and so he retreated back to the teleportation circle that had been nearly completed as part of his get away plan. Lucid then decided to make a decision to protect his mother and had Ignor feed dreadgrasp sending so he could cast it...and he struck a deal with the meowgician saying he would owe him a huge favor if he was able to rescue his mother.   The group victorious settled down and healed their wounds as best the could, allowing the two elves to achieve a long rest while the others passed the trollhide armor around to regain their stamina. Unfortunately towards the end of the four hours, the island began to quake and giant formations of rock began to shift around and water began bubbling up. Volii casting locate object was able to find the end of the sword that they had been searched for tossed into a corner. Ignor drew a teleportation circle to send them to chloe's and the group bamfed through...just after lucid noticed that the island wasn't sinking into the ocean, but into the astral sea.   As the group bamfed out of the teleportation circle in Porthca, they came upon a sight that took them a few minutes to wrap their heads around. Chloe lay unconscious, unable to be healed and a curse unable to be lifted, dead trosall soliders remain frozen around them. Chloe lay on her hoard bleeding out. Ignor sent a message to Abnor to return back and that Chloe needed him. Lucid was also able to establish a psychic link with her and was able to commuicate with her, learning that she was still in there but time was precious. While gathering supplies, Ignor sent dot outside while Volii went out to help some of the villagers with the burning city and the injured. An old man approached Dot who ended up being Arty and dot charged towards him...only to have the hilt thrown in front of him. Arty with only a few moments to explain told dot that while all of "this" had been going on, he was able to sneak into Gror's vault and take the sword...and that he was out of time and he faded away into the red mist from the first time they had seen him disappear.   With much surprise and uncertainty, the group tried to figure out what to do with the sword but ultimately decided to head towards the magic school of Kixelts to attempt to reforge the sword and Ignor cast the spell....but again...they were decieved. Appearing in a small wood room, a visage of the time hag appeared standing before them, the clock on her face charred on one side and extremely angry at smithy.   Cackling she now exclaims, "I've grow tired of your meddling. You're being moved off the table for a little while to think about what you've done."

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