Session 8: Undermine the Underdark Report

General Summary

Last we left off, the group was making their way towards the drow encampment where Lucid (that we know of) had some spicy comments to say about Dot which in turn got him a literal dagger in the back. After some antics and then calming down of said antics, the group made their way to the encampment where they spoke to the priestess Ilvara. She explained that although they were not drow, they were also not thralls and was willing to turn the other cheek for that to help each other if the group would help them deliver their arachnomancer from the mind flayer facility in the grand acknowledgement of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". The group was provided an empty house to set up shop in and they casted tiny hut and prepared to lay down for the night; however, Dot noticed something and made his way outside where he saw the familiar of Arty who provided him with a message that stated, "I'm doing this for you, please don't get in my way." and the cat crumbled to dust. Entering the hut once more, the group laid down for a rest where dot and Volli was pulled into a dream-like world and the rest of the group was pulled along for the ride by Lucid's tethered link.    A hag there explained to them that "God" wanted them dead, but the general requested that they be given a fighting chance and Dot also came face-to-face with his moonlit patron who had a purple lady inside of her. The hag banished her away and the group was left to battle ghost-like arms and a flicker knight. After this, they entered a room that was rocky like the surface of the moon with low gravity and fought the bogeyman and some wraiths. After picking up a clue for the main door, the group took a short rest and entered the next room into a hall of mirrors where some of them were drug into memories that shook them down to their very core and even finding things hidden that they didn't even know they had. There were also a set of tombstones there with each of their names on it along with the name of Ralk in place of Lucid. After destroying a few of the tombstones, the dream eater rushed out and began attacking the group...again, they made short work of it. After gathering the final pieces of the puzzle, the entered the primary door to be faced with a room with a giant clock above them. The purple lady was small...and in a cage. She extended her arms out to dot, begging for him to remember...and he freed her. With her embrace, black ichor and chunks of flesh were expelled from dot and formed into an abomination before their eyes. The group fought hard and was able to fell the beast and the goddess of darkness showed dot the truth of how Vecna sent down a creature to destroy his people and the ones that did not fall were placed under the guise of his goddess to worship him in secret through her.    After this revelation, the group awakened and prepared for their infiltration mission back into the mind flayer colony. The group snuck their way in and fought off creatures that were protecting the arachnomancer. Smithy played a big role in their defeat, acting as an unhittable stunned boulder blocking the path the rest of the party. Even the arachnomancer attempted to help out, spitting as far as he could in hopes of tripping one of these creatures. The group made quick work of these monsters and escaped with the arachnomancer with the drow providing cover fire for their escape. Returning back to the drow encampment, he let out a loud laugh and turned the group exclaiming, "Now! We awaken the spider god and free my people!"

Campaign 2: The War-Torn Continent
Report Date
27 May 2024

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