Session 6: The Orc City Report

General Summary

Last we left off the Five Guys found themselves taking a short rest in the cave to give the irradiated water time to receede and for them to exit safely. Exiting, they found themselves back at the bar where they touted claims of their heroics to all of the townsfolk and enjoyed some drinks and a meal on the house and could hear the cries of one of the eldest miners in the town overjoyed that the mine was back open again. They also visited the commander's wife and Arty was able to heal her father's sickness and some rehabilitation had already started occurring. Dot left 100 gold for them and considered his life debt paid. Even the blacksmith promised Smithy and brand new hammer once the ore had time to regenerate and not become so brittle. One of their last stops was at a temple of Luthic with an orc cleric named Thaddeus. He explained that he had come here to get away from the brutality of the new management in the city from Ygash who had taken over within the past year from Azuk the original orcish leader. Having conquered the evil underneath this town, the group exited down the road towards the orc city with this information.   Getting closer, the group came upon a bridge where there was an old man taking a toll on the bridge. After paying him and beginning to cross, he blew a horn where a few other people stepped out from behind the trees that had been hidden and began threatening the group. Stepping up to the plate, the group easily dispatched the group and sent them running off into the distance. Smithy told the half orge man about Tottenham and that it would be thriving soon. The group decided to rest there and after a few dreams under the starry night, Smithy caught an eye of the group of "bandits" making their way towards Tottenham in the night. That morning, the group found themselves making their way through Vrido the farming community where they came upon a small band of Orc beating up an old man and a young boy yelling at him to stop hurting his dad. The group took to action where they took down the Orc offenders where they met Bashuk who was over the farming town and ended up killing the last Orc that was there and explained that this had been happening recently.   Moving ahead into the Orc city and the late afternoon, the group found themselves at the Feyblood Apothecary with Zulr where Arty made quite the impression. They dropped off the goods and went to the warrior's wardrobe where they delivered the goods as well. Smithy and the group began noticing various orc pantheon about certain establishments that didn't seem to jive with the current leadership. After some discussion, they moved on to the inn and tavern ran by a human named Urgran and his wife Ulthor. The mality's welcomed them in and Arty and company put on a spectacular show that night. Afterwards with some discussion with Urgran, the group decided that the next day they would visit the general goods store and talk to the "shaman" that everyone had been mentioning. Dot had a few dreams about a small purple lady that asked him why did he forsake her, Arty had dreams about a beautiful, pregnant woman, and Volli dreamed of skeletons in the water and a green fish with a faceless human head that was killed. All in all, it was a great night.   The next day they went to go see the Shaman and discussed a few things with him and he gave them some tasks to perform: poison the weapons cache and take out Ygash's mount. They gathered the poison from Urgran and went off into the night to perform these tasks. The first stop was the barracks to poison the weapon's cache where the group buffed dot up and he went on a sneaking mission. After a few close calls and a run in with one of the guards informing the rest of the group to vacate the area, dot made his way back out away from the barracks performing his task spectacularly. He acted like a true rogue rather than just a liar and a thief. The group then moved towards the stables, where Ygash's sister was tending to the creature along with a bard lullabying it to sleep. With a coordinated effort, the group took down the bard almost instantaniously and then smithy took down the sister and finally they demolished giant boar. Having completed both their tasks, the group stands over the corpses of their enemies in the darkness of night and wonder....what do now? By the way lucid, you take 1 point of radiant damage.

Campaign 2: The War-Torn Continent
Report Date
15 Apr 2024
Primary Location
Lar Azrel

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