A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern game
In the world of Adaris
Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
Cecil Hoffman
A silver tongued noble hailing from the town of Ravensfolly. He is greedy and selfish, seeking to rule over the town of Ravensfolly over the Reeve Salish Froid. He leads the Black-blade bandit group; and attacks caravans and commoners alike to bolster his grasp on the surrounding region.
Mardun The Agile
A lonesome dwarf that scours the peaks and slopes of the Elder-horn mountains in search of folk who are either lost or in danger. He braves the cold with his St. bernard named Rosy; she often keeps him company on the cold windy nights. His past adventures led him to discovering a trail to the peaks of the Elder-horn mountains.
Martin Brigham
A noble knight of Tower-fall appointed by the Lord Salish to maintain Brektons defenses to insure safety of the lands south of the Blue river. He is known by many to be kind and level-headed, though he keeps to himself whenever possible.