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Lifting the Veil on Vaiengaard

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Elthia - Vaiengaard
10/30/2021 | Looking for Players


  • Vaiengaard
    Current Overland Map of Vaiengaard Forest
Supporting Cast
  • Arkizovar Norixius
    The chief Artificer of Witchaven, Arkizovar is a long standing member of the Council of Seven. He came into the swamps from the south east many years ago and spends his time making warded stones and magical equipment for the outcasts taking shelter amidst the trees of Witchaven.
  • Avoni The Manyfaced
    The true face and form of the entity known as Avoni is a mystery--even to their peers in the Council of Seven. Secretive, elusive, and distant, Avoni specializes in infiltration, espionage, illusion, and transmutation.
  • Bassin Tarah
    A bent and crooked old foreigner that functions as a treasurer, quartermaster, and chef for the Sallet in Ardlith.
  • Alor Berren Samuels
    The youngest and perhaps most altruistic of the Alors of Ardlith, Berren Samuels is a brewer by trade who makes sweetened wines with the syrups from the great trees around Ardlith.
  • Carla Xam
    Streetworker mother of Gael and Ezra. Kindly woman.
  • Egon Stillmen
    A grizzled and world-wise ranger of the deep forest road. He contributes his service and time maintaining the road from Ardlith to Andusk. Val'Krosh was entrusted to him as an infant to raise on behalf of the Alor's of Ardlith.
  • Ezra Farore
    Sister of Gael Farore, Childhood friend of Nim. Born in the Alienage at Andusk, She is loyal and outgoing and a bit of a tomboy, with a curious and kind streak. General optomist.
  • Gael Farore
    Brother to Ezra Farore and one of Nim's childhood friends, they were born in the Alienage at Andusk and grew up foraging in the forest. Became ruthless due to the rough and tumble nature of living outside the walls and involvement to his fathers death.
  • Hector Zironi
    Owner of the hostel in the alienage, friend of Carla Xam. A bit on the rotund side, he is a bit greedy but knows the pricelessness of loyalty to his friends and the Andusk Alienage.
  • Ilythyrra Adnorin
    The reclusive queen of Andusk, she rarely leaves the walled palace grounds. When she does address the people of Andusk, she does so from a prominence atop the gatehouse at the entrance of the keep and is always surrounded by a regiment of her loyal guards.
  • Krujamar
    Krujamar is a mixed-blood troll-kin. His mother, an elven alchemist of some repute, kept his father's company for some time before killing him under rather tenuous circumstances. Krujamar took his father's name and has been practicing his mother's Alchemy long after her passing. It is unknown exactly how old he is, but other than Illis and Baba Grimegale he is the longest-serving member of the Council of Seven.
  • Namiras Naskan
    A silvery and black scaled Dragonborn and leader of the Cult of Bahamut in Andusk. He is about 6 feet tall and wears a simple, long robe dyed blue with silvery cordage.
  • Osigoris "The Eyemaster"
    A diminutive halfling with prominent, thick spectacles, she has grey-faded copper hair and a squat nose. Osigoris is in her twilight years and has a brusque temperament. She sits on the Council of Seven in Witchaven and is a skilled diviner.
  • Alor Qira Renestrae
    Qira is a shrewd and staunch ally of the reclusive queen of Andusk but an outspoken opponent of he r isolationist policies. Hailing from an old lineage that existed in Vaiengaard since before the Cataclysm, she is very well connected to the people of the forest, and does not stand on circumstance in her dealings with strangers.
  • Sharn Ebonkin
    She is a minor orcish tribal leader that has been scouting and raiding the western road and edges of Andusk's territory.
  • Thesh Dethrurd
    A mysterious half-orc with deep green skin that hangs out around the Alienage at Andusk.
  • Alor Tordain Vidas
    Alor Vidas is the oldest Alor of Ardlith. Alor Vidas's piercing grey eyes and scarred features are reminiscent of a time when he was a leader of men. Now Tordain Vidas spends his time chronicling the history and stocks of Ardlith rather than fighting in the field.
  • Alor Yew Hanshall
    A dismissive and self-obsessed aging dwarf woodworker that operates as one of the three Alors of Ardlith. Alor Hanshall is concerned primarily with preserving the Alor's power in the town and cares little for the woes of "little people."

IIS - The Wandering Lights of Witchaven

A group of visitors has recently left Witchaven on the Behest of the Council of Seven, and strange things stir the swamp in their wake. What will rise to meet them?

Sessions Archive

30th Jul 2022

An Ill Wind Blows

While a group of adventurers prepares for travel, an ill wind blows in from the east.

Read the Report
1st Apr 2022

Prologue II: Anduskain Artifice

The forest city of mists groans under the weight of poverty and a recent surge in disappearances where the victims have been drained of all of their blood. To make matters worse, there are rumors of turncoats and machinations that threaten the stability of the region.

Read the Report
16th Nov 2021

Prologue I: Val'krosh and the Symbiote

Two unlikely outcasts find comraderie as they step on the tail of a serpent.

This story is told by

The Protagonists



Ember Lynwood


Mushy Boy