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An Ill Wind Blows Report

General Summary

Nim, Val, and Sinderon gathered supplies in anticipation of entering the Old City beneath Andusk, but before they could finish their preparations, the city was beset by a sickening spore cloud hailing from the north east. The intreped heroes journied up into the steppes at the foot of the Pentrie Mountains and discovered a colony of Myconids causing the spore-bloom.   As they entered the cave, they passed over a strange copse of black and bioluminescent blue mushrooms that would later turn out to be infamous Deathrage Myconids; a necromantic strain from the depths of the earth that proport great calamity. The party fought numerous Violet Myconids and escaped the seemingly endless horde in the nick of time. Exhasuted, the party took a rest and communed with a teal-hued myconid that left the caves to die once their clan had been overwhelmed by a rival. During the conversation, Sinderon learned of the Deathrage Mushrooms and struggled against his own symbiotic parasite which appeared to be also a member of the Deathrage Myconoid clan which granted him a jarring vision that rendered him unconscious. In the vision, he witnessed a Deathrage Mushroom in a sample vial in a lab, a full host of caged animals, and finally a great Wyrm of Black and Neon Blue as it ravaged nations and raised their populace as thralls for its ongoing army.   In the aftermath, much of Andusk is afflicted with the spore's consumption and the sickened party drug their friends unconscious body back to the city.

Lifting the Veil on Vaiengaard
Report Date
31 Jul 2022

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