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The Sandborn Chronicle

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Athas
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  • Map of The Tablelands
    This is the known reigon of Athas called "The Tablelands" though travelers and traders tell of lands and cities to the north and south.
Supporting Cast
  • Agis of Asticles
    Broad-shouldered, black hair streaked with wings of white, and tanned from his frequent journey's into the wast:, The Lord of Asticles is a natural leader, independent, dynamic, and intelligent. He cares about the common people and displays loyalty and devotion to friends and employees alike. Charismatic, patient, and easygoing: this Senator from Tyr is not what most Athasian's picture when they hear the word "noble". Agis is rarely seen without his families ancestral steel saber on his hip and his elderly dwarven man servent Cario at his side
No law rules the blasted wastes of Athas, except the laws carved by blades or shaped by magic. Civilized realms suffer under the oppressive rule of sorcerer-kings. Will you rise up, with allies to guard your back and your water? Or will the scorched lands claim another group of hapless fools.

This story is told by

The Protagonists


8 / 8 HP


Tik-Cha (Nova)