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8 / 8 HP

A half-elf amnesiac with bizarre body proportions and a strange brand on his arm with a knack for swords and sorcery. Left with nothing but a strange sword and even stranger bedfellows, he seeks to uncover the truth of his identity.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Athas

Zethus Keshar Tik-Cha (Nova)
Run by Emperor of a Broken Land
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Wed 12th May 2021 03:28

Jaseela of Namaran

by Zethus

From what I can tell she seems to be a very intelligent woman, much like Flavius she too has more to her than meets the eye. From what I gather of what happened, her injuries appear minor given what this High Templar Grixis is said to have used against her. I find myself impressed by what she has apparently managed to accomplish, although Ristark seemed disappointed by the state she was in. Whether or not he's disappointed in her weak condition or by his own inability to do anything about it I'm not sure, but neither is it any of my business. One thing is for certain however, being of nobility in Athas is a gateway to not just mere financial opportunity, but an opportunity to become immensely powerful whether by psionics or any means of metaphysical knowledge. If I am to survive and control my power I'll need all of the knowledge I can get, and these Veiled Alliance members seem VERY knowledgeable.
Their cause is an admirable one, although I doubt they could ever really achieve their goal of truly establishing a free Athas. Even if they succeeded in defeating Kalak, another King would likely swoop in to take his territory and undo what they had worked towards. Even if they destroyed all of the sorcerer kings, defiling magic still exists and their victory would leave a huge power vacuum, and the ensuing chaos may be even worse than the current status quo, as difficult as that is to imagine. Even still, I don't mind doing them some favors if the relationship is mutually beneficial.

The major events and journals in Zethus's history, from the beginning to today.

Jaseela of Namaran

From what I can tell she seems to be a very intelligent woman, much like Flavius she too has more to her than meets the eye. From what I gather of what happened, her injuries appear minor given what this High Templar Grixis is said to have used against he...

03:28 am - 12.05.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Zethus.

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