Wave Echo Cave. The Black Spider Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Wave Echo Cave. The Black Spider Report

General Summary

The heroes defeated the Black Spider and liberated Wave Echo Cave.   The Forge of Spells had a Flame Skull protecting the area. There was a (black spider) Doppelgänger who tried to poise as Gundren Rockseeker. The party was not fooled. They chased him into the grand library where they were met with a Spector. The Spector used his confusion spell on the Warlock (beckett) who then attacked the party.   After a short rest the flameskull skull that was now in the Wizards pocket came back to life. At the same time several Orcs ran into the library. They were being chased by the Mormesk the Wraith; the dead wizard who used to be the Chief Spell Weaver. The Wraith was destroyed by the Paladin using Divine Smite.   Finally, the heroes find the Black Spider. Nezznar the Black Spider promptly casts fireball. Several heroes fall to zero hit points. The barbarian rages and attacks Nezznar defeating him. Nezznar was accompanied by a Broken Oath Paladin of the Lords Alliance (Lords Protectorate).   Party brought Nezznar and his fallen Paladins to justice and liberated Wave Echo from monsters. The characters are given the title 'Protectors of Phandalin'. The town repairs Tresendar Manor for the heroes to use as their base of operations. In addition the heroes will receive 10% of all profits from Wave Echo Cave.

Storm Kings Thunder (Swanson Loot Squad)
Report Date
06 Feb 2023

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