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Storm Kings Thunder (Swanson Loot Squad)

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Forgotten Realms
| Looking for Players


  • Sword Coast
    The Forgotten Realms on Faerûn’s western shore—the Sword Coast. A thin strip of civilization stretches down this coast, where widely spaced cities are arranged like beads on a string. Roads loosely connect the cities that stretch from Luskan in the north to Calimport in the south, passing through Neverwinter, Waterdeep, Baldur’s Gate, and other ports along the way.
  • Region of Phandalin
  • Phandalin
    The frontier town of Phandalin is built on the ruins of a much older settlement. Hundreds of years ago, the old Phandalin was a thriving human town whose people were firmly allied with the dwarves and gnomes of the Phandelver’s Pact. However, the same orc horde that sacked the mines at Wave Echo Cave laid waste to the settlement, and Phandalin was abandoned for centuries.
  • Thunder Tree
    Near the place where the Neverwinter River emerges from Neverwinter Wood stands the abandoned village of Thundertree. Once, this was a prosperous community on the outskirts of the forest, wealthy from the work of its woodcutters and trappers. Then thirty years ago, the eruption of Mount Hotenow to the north devastated Thundertree.
Supporting Cast
  • Harshnag
    Harshnag looks like a typical frost giant except that he’s clad in plate armor and wears the skull of a white dragon as a helm. His jagged axe also looks quite formidable. He’s a giant of few words who prefers to let his actions do his talking. When he does speak outside of combat, he comes across as surprisingly calm and soft-spoken. While swinging his axe in battle, however, he bellows and laughs like a berserker. In the company of small adventurers, he tries not to dominate social situations or make too many decisions for them, because he knows how fragile and inflated their egos can be.
  • Sildar Hallwinter
    Sildar Hallwinter is a retired soldier and sellsword who hails from the city of Neverwinter. He is a loyal member of the Lords’ Alliance, a political organization that unites the various free cities and towns of the North.

Sessions Archive

5th Feb 2023

Wave Echo Cave. The Black Spider

The drow (Nezznar the Black Spider) is searching for the Forge of Spells, where the human mages of old Phandalin enchanted dwarven weapons and gnome gadgets. However, Nezznar’s exploration has been hindered by the restless undead and dangerous monsters that lurk in Wave Echo Cave, forcing him to proceed with great caution.   The adventurers now have the chance to aid Gundren, avenge his kin, and put a stop to the nefarious schemes of the Black Spider. And of course, the hoard of powerful magic rumored to be hidden in the mines is a rich prize.

Read the Report
15th Sep 2022

Wave Echo Cave

Gundren Rockseeker survives the ordeal at Cragmaw Castle, and offers the characters his thanks and asks that they escort him back to Phandalin and then venture to Wave Echo Cave to learn the fate of his brothers, Nundro and Tharden. He knows that someone called the Black Spider orchestrated his capture and hopes that the characters stop the villain. Upon returning to Phandalin, Gundren offers the characters 25 gp each for their assistance and promises the party a 10 percent share of the mine’s wealth once his operation there is up and running.

Read the Report
19th Aug 2022

Thunder Tree. Green Dragon.

A young green dragon named Venomfang has recently claimed the tower, having passed over Thundertree while searching Neverwinter Wood for a suitable lair. The giant spider corpses are the former residents of the tower, killed by the dragon after it tore its way through the roof. Since then, Venomfang has been laying low.

Read the Report
You are about to embark on a great adventure that pits heroes against giants bent on reshaping the world.   Reports of giant attacks throughout the North have reached the coastal cities of Luskan, Neverwinter, and Waterdeep, stoking fears that the giants are waging war against humans, dwarves, elves, and other small folk.

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Evelin Giantslayer