Thunder Tree. Green Dragon. Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Thunder Tree. Green Dragon. Report

General Summary

Loot Squad defeated the green dragon. Hilights

  • Evelin the Paladin surived a direct hight from the dragon breath weapon.
  • Wolfster the barbarian jumped on the dragons back
  • Silvertoe the rogue hid in a chest.

The team then went to cragmaw castle. They tried sneeking in. The warlock then sent his psudodragon into the main hall which was filled with goblins. The psudodragon then ran back to the character party who were crowded in the a narrow hallway. The characters were quickly surrounded and had to fight their way out.

Rewards Granted

Rockseeker was freed.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Cragmaw Castle quest was completed.

Storm Kings Thunder (Swanson Loot Squad)
Report Date
21 Aug 2022

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