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Curse of Strahd: A Biggus Donggus Edition

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Unforgotten Realms
August 2021 | Full


  • Land of Barovia
    Rolling thunderclouds cast a gray pall over the land of Barovia. A deathly stillness hangs over the dark woods, which are patrolled constantly by Strahd’s wolves and other servitors.
    The evergreen trees of the Svalich Woods climb the sides of the mountains that enclose the valley. The largest of these peaks is Mount Baratok, with its snow-covered cap and rugged slopes. Baratok’s slightly smaller twin, Mount Ghakis, is mostly bald with tufts of trees here and there. Between these two mountains stands Lake Zarovich, which is fed by streams of ice-cold water pouring down the face of Mount Baratok. On the south side of the lake rests the town of Vallaki, enclosed by a palisade. West of the two mountains, atop a hill, stands the Abbey of Saint Markovia, around which the Barovians built a walled village named Krezk. Between Vallaki and Krezk lie the ruins of Argynvostholt, the fallen bastion of a knightly order called the Order of the Silver Dragon, wiped out by Strahd and his army. East of the mountains lies the village of Barovia, shrouded in mist and bereft of walls and defenses. The dark silhouette of Castle Ravenloft looks down on this village from its perch atop a 1,000-foot-high column of rock known as the Pillarstone of Ravenloft.
Supporting Cast
  • Ireena Kolyana
    Noble beautiful dame from the house Indirovich of the Village Barovia. She was found in the woods when very little by the Burgomaster Kolyan Indirovich who adopted her. She has no memories of her previous life before being found. She is not your average damsel in distress, skillful with the use of a rapier and magical skills. Her alignment is lawful good. She and her brother are on a mission to escape as far as possible from Strahd's vampiric grasps has he thinks she is his long gone lover Tatyana.
  • Ismark Indirovich
    A young promising noble from the house Indirovich. Next in line for the Burgomaster position in Barovia Village. His goal is to protect her sister Ireena from the devil Strahd at all cost, if it means to take her as far away from Strahd. He cares for the people of the village and wants to do good by them, but his sister is a priority.
  • Rictavio
    A ringmaster from far lands who arrived at Vallaki a month ago. He works at the Blue Water Inn as an entertainer and helps the Keepers of the Feathers in every way he can. He agrees to help Ireena and Ismark to go as far away from Strahd's grasps. He is also considering to join the party of adventurers to defeat the the vampire lord.

Sessions Archive

19th Feb 2022

In the Winery and what's to come after...

The adventurers fought their way inside the Wizard of Wines Winery. Defeating relentless druids and their blights has they ravaged and tainted the limited supply of wine, the lifeline of the people of Barovia. With the help of raven swarms and their newly recruited ally Rictavio, they mange to cleared the building, but unluckily they have to deal with the surrounding swarm of blights that are outside the walls of the winery.

10th Dec 2021

To the winery!

It took the party 2 days to fully recover from the unexpected attack in the Old Bonegrinder Mill. A coven of 3 hags was living in that old decrepit structure , where they grind and bake children into "dream pastries" a delicious hallucinogen pie that provided peaceful delusions to the restless souls of Barovia. The paladin dragonborn Schnizzle Norixius, and the Sorcerer Apprentice assimar Eos Argentis were gravely wounded and succumbed to a coma in which they had reveling visions of their pasts. Urwin Martikov came to aid the party in the form of a wereraven with several swarms of raven. If it weren't for the help of the Keepers of the Feathers, the party would have met their demise that day.   Now, fully rested and healed, the party prepares for the trip to the Wizard Wines Winery, where they will meet with Rictavio to aid him and the Blue Water Inn patrons for what it seems a delay in the wine shipment.

An intrepid party from the Biggus Donggus Guild is sent to Daggerford to investigate strange occurrences surrounding the mystery of the creeping Mists. The night of their arrival, was just the introduction of what was to come if they stepped into the Mist. But they did not heed the warning, stepping through the Mist, were once you go in, you can't come back, for which "he is the ancient, he is the land", and you are trespassers...

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Silver Nemonis

8 / 8 HP

Schnizzle Norixius II

Chaotic Evil Dragonborn (Haunted One)
Paladin - Oathbreaker 6
46 / 46 HP