General Summary

20 Hobe 527 May Huckle reporter for Detroit News interviews the heroes.

21 Hobe 527 Detroit News reports the heroes rescuing Edvard from criminals. A B Crump and his business feature prominently in the story.

22 Hobe 527 The Crimson Raiders approach the heroes and offer to “teach them how to be adventurers.” They did mention they were famous several times.

23 Hobe 527 Meeting with Big Tony. That evening a select group of stealth heroes entered Kevnan’s apartment and took his stuff.

24 Hobe 527 Morning – visit from Detective David Brighthouse, Capital Park Station DPS. Evening – Dinner with Arthur Dale.

25 Hobe 527 Boom!

11 bodies.
1 elderly Human female out for walk. Edith Whitsun resident of Corktown district Detroit.
Two cloaked male humans, clad in leather armor & sheathed longswords. One has a coiled snake tattoo on right forearm. (Grant family symbol)
Two female humans in good clothing - Phyllis Swadling, servant to the Tregoning family, and Sophia Udy, servant to the Koster family out shopping.
One male half-elf in good clothing - Alvar Peltola, servant to the Edwards family, out shopping.
One male gnome, wearing a burned cloak and clutching a dagger.
Two female halflings - Francine Delisle and Barbara Delisle who were playing a fiddle & flute.
Two male halflings - Jean-Pierre Deniau and Jean-Paul Touchard who were dancing.

Witness: Jezrynne Hornraven: I tell you it was not a man. More like a puppet shaped like a man. A puppet without strings. It was on the rooftop. It hurled something into the crowd below that caused the fireball. I saw those haflings burned alive. I saw them!

Witness Fala Lafaliir: I was watering my plants in the greenhouse on the second floor of my shop when the blast blew out some of my windows. Lucky I wasn't injured. Through the smoke I saw a cloaked man take something from the dead gnome, then start limping away. He was badly burned and casting glances over his shoulder, like he was afraid someone might be following him. He was headed for the Bent Nail.

Meeting Priestess of Omos, Valetta and Nim. Nim is a construct called a Nimblewright and he created a companion who ran off a month ago. Valetta punishes Nim be taking away his tools and projects. The heroes find a device, a Nimblewright detector which will whistle and whirr when activated within 500 feet of a Nimblewright. Valetta says the Temple of Omos will pay the heroes 500 gp to track down and destroy the escape Nimblewright. (upon bringing the temple proof of its destruction.)

  Casting Speak with Dead at the Temple of Busrus.

Question #1 What would someone want to steal from you once you are dead that you were carrying while you died?
Answer: The Horn of Ketsar, my pouch with five 100 gp gemstones, my fine cloak and boots, my nice hat, my clothing and my dagger.
Question #2 Who should be informed of your death? Kwame Kilpatrick.
  Question #3 Where can we locate Kwame Kilpatrick? I don’t know.
Question #4 Who did you see that made you draw your dagger just before you died? Some Grant thugs, I thought I had given the slip they tracked me.
Question #5 How do you want to registered in the Final Registry? Fabiano Estevão Torres Cortes, Hidden Agent of the Great Work, Master of the Silent Step.

Thug #1
Question #1 How do you want to be entered into the Final Registry? Maurice Angwin.
Question #2 Why were you tailing the gnome? Job was to catch a gnome named Fabiano Estevão Torres Cortes. Fabiano had some kind of artifact that was going to make us as rich as a Wayne.
Question #3 Who else was with you on this job? Gordon Bunker and Elias Palmer.
Question #4 Where were you supposed take the gnome when you caught him? Fabiano was going to go on his last swim in the river.
Question #5 How was the artifact going to make you rich? I don’t know exactly, Elias said to meet him at Gralhund Villa if we got split up.

Thug #2
Question #1 What are the defenses of Gralhund villa? There is a wall and some soldiers.
Question #2 Why did Elias choose Gralhund Villa as a meeting place? We have been working out of there for a few weeks.
Question #3 Who in your organization knows what to do with the horn? Probably Elias, he calls the shots.
Question #4 What do you know about the little puppet man that threw the bomb? Nothing.
Question #5 How many people are armed and dangerous at Gralhund Villa? Probably about forty, not sure.

Research on Gralhund Villa
Gralhund Villa is near the center of the Cass Park district. Cass Park is home to comfortable to aristocratic Detroiters. In this area of Cass part, the streets are reasonably well-lit and tend to have traffic at all hours. On the north side of the Villa runs Ledyard Steet, a large wrought iron main gate allows a view into the yard enclosed by thick 12-foot-high stone walls. Wavy bladed spikes on the top of the wall are meant to discourage climbers. On the east side of the villa stands the four-story Curtis House. Only on the fourth floor of the Curtis house are there windows looking into the Gralhund yard. On the south side on the villa runs 2nd Street. The Gralhund Villa coach house opens onto 2nd Street as does a servant’s service entrance for deliveries to the pantry. On the west side of the Villa is a single-story bakery run by the Williams family. A series of spikes poke out of the wall on Gralhund Villa to discourage anyone attempting to climb up onto the roof of Villa from the roof of the Bakery.

The Gralhund’s are wealthy family with investments in several mercantile endeavours but mostly known for the three merchant ships which sail out of the North Docks. Yalah Gralhund has recently made waves socially for her support of the Detroit Symphony and has organized several charity events to raise funds for the Symphony. Orond Gralhund has a much lower social profile, but is considered a good, if somewhat conservative, businessman. The Gralhund’s have an eighteen-year-old daughter Tomassin and two boys, Zartan (13) and Greth (10). Some of the catty remarks about the Gralhund’s are Yalah’s charity work is really a cover for her campaign to find and catch a wealthy husband for Tomassin.

RoD Campaign

Ryker Durune

Lawful Good Hill Dwarf (Acolyte)
Cleric 1
13 / 13 HP

Vectis Xi

Lawful Neutral Warforged (Guild Artisan)
Artificer 1
8 / 8 HP

Ferzith Cortellion

Neutral Good Human ()
Bard 1
10 / 10 HP
Report Date
24 Sep 2022

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