RoD Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern game In the world of Republic of Detroit
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Supporting Cast
  • A. B. Crump
    A.B.Crump is a 60+ year old human with white hair and a prodigious mustache who is the owner of A.B.Crump's Emporium & Flea Market.
  • Andonl Faeious
    Ostler, House Argent, Galldar Elf, male 94 years old
  • Andrew Kesby
    Andrew Kesby is a single male, DPS watch captain of Randolph Street District. He has political ambitions and is frustrated by his officers' inability to dislodge the Steel Hand from Randolph Street.
  • Arthur Dale
    Charismatic leader of the Steel Hand.
  • Beltish Ashes
    Elderly female Tiefling, part Evocation Wizard, part Cleric of Busrus
  • Big Tony
    Big Tony is a very large human in his middle ages. He has an affable manner and likes to talk to people.
  • Borrin Lokack
    Dwarf, priest, dead
  • Claude Applegate
    Peter's older brother
  • Cuthbert Edwards
    Priest of Busrus, Human Male 38 yrs old
  • Daisy Ford
    Early 40's skinny female Wizard, member of Bronze Gate
  • Cerebration Expert Dick
    My full true name is beyond the comprehension of your meager meat & juice brains, I am known to the wise as Aaghaziskakhogarxeaphzendraxeks. I readily observe that even this is beyond your intellectual capabilities, so you may call me Richard. No Richard is too much for your cranial capacities so you must address me as Dick. That is what I shall be to you a large round floating Dick. But Dick is too plain to encompass the magnificence of my being so something more is needed. To help you understand the vast gulf of intellect between my over-clocked solid-state brain and the organic lumps of incomplete proteins between your ears, you shall acknowledge me as Cerebration Expert Dick.
  • Ding Dong
    Ding Dong is Ping Pong's younger brother and is working for the Grant Family.
  • Doris Odell
    Early 60's female priestess of Busrus
  • Edvard Marttinen
    Edvard is a Half-elf in his mid-twenties who works for A. B. Crump
  • Edwin Cheverton
    Paladin of the Order of the Owl, human male, 38 years old
  • Erlas Athorinh
    middle-age Noldor Elf monk
  • Evelyn Applegate
    Human female, dead. Found locked inside the Springwell's DPS station mummified or shriveled.
  • Faux Molder
    Faux Molder is an affluent wizard who believes in conspiracy theories.
  • Fish in the River Mountain Tree
    Fish in the River, known as River, is a Tabaxi Scout working for caravans operating out of Detroit.
  • Galadan Fearnaught
    Late middle age wizard, has decided good food and a nice warm bed every night is preferrable to adventuring.
  • Gavin Hightower
    Gavin Hightower is a 100 year old Gnome in conservative (mostly brown) business attire who often accompanies A. B. Crump. Gavin is a silent partner in A.B.'s business enterprises.
  • Hayley Durune
    Dwarf, female, Mother of Ryker, Wife of Roland, Co-owner of The Royal Boar
  • Doctor Henry Armitage
    Dr. Henry Armitage is an active researcher at Mistkatonic U. within the Temple of Mendohr
  • Hornik Drumnugaln
    Forge-Priest in the Cult of Ardniss Dwarf-male 72 yrs old
  • Hywel Towle
    Detroit Bard, College of Lore, Human male 38 yrs old
  • Kevnan Kilpatrick
    Kevnan is a half-elf in his mid-twenties. He is on the same rowing team as Edvard Marttinen.
  • Kharrigg Graetgog
    Forge-priest of Morem, Dwarf male 138 years old skilled in the forging of Ebony, Mithril, and Adamantium
  • Korwan Riverfellow
    Older Halfling Druid, Member of White Pine Circle
  • Leti Lewis
    Sometime assistant to Dr. Henry Armitage
  • Madeline Murden
    Madeline Murden is a wizard who sells scrolls in the Eastern Market to support her gambling habits. She was a member of House Cadillac. She and the House had a mutual agreement to part ways when it became clear she had a gambling problem and was a security risk. The DPS keeps an eye on Madeline, since she is willing to sell a Disguise Self scroll to anyone with enough coin. She is always interested in buying spells to add to her spellbook, but rarely has any coin. She also needs materials & inks to make her scrolls, but will need to pay in services instead of coin.
  • Maugan Ar Govig
    Agent of the Steel Hand, Atlantean male 81 years old
  • May Huckle
    gossip columnist for the Detroit News.
  • Paladin Pete
    Late 40's Dragonborn, male, Paladin Cult of Xosus
  • Peter Applegate
    Human, dead.
  • Posey Applegate
    Ex-wife of Peter (divorced about 7 months ago), dead. Found drowned inside her (locked) shabby apartment. Her valuable are untouched.
  • Roderick Brenchley
    head of Cult of Dreva, aligned with Hull Family.
  • Roland Durune
    Dwarf, male, father of Ryker, husband of Hayley, Co-Owner of The Royal Boar
  • Seth Weeks
    Seth is dead. Seth lived in small apartment in South Docks neighborhood. Seth's Sister-in-law: Ella Weeks with seven year-old daughter Lilian. Seth is older brother. Younger brother married Ella and died at sea five years ago. Seth tries to help support Ella and Lilian. Ella lives and works (seamstress) in Randolph Street district. Charles Ramsdell is friend of Seth and lives in Grand Circus Park.
  • Shifty Aswype
    Shifty is a goblin scoundrel. He haunts the Eastern Market looking for opportunities, (he is an accomplished pick-pocket).
  • Stenn Marshall
    Human, late middle aged priest of Dreva Went to Faux Molder for help, Faux is busy and sent Stenn to see the Heroes.
  • Svartkollr Erlendsson
    Vanir barbarian, Zealot of Skirnir
  • Teardic Lorlin
    Paladin of Xosus, Dragonborn male, 27 years old
  • Thomas Keep
    Middle-aged human male College of Lore Bard
  • Umgus Straedenerk
    Priest of Khonos, Dwarf, male, 187 years old
  • Vera Argall
    Priestess of Imis, Human Female, 49 yrs old
  • Zazzilzurd Jeegwintu
    Transmutation School Wizard, Gnome, Male, 138 years old
  • Zophar Alexander
    Elderly priest of OMOS

Scheduled Sessions

Tue 28th May 2024 21:00

The Mystery of Absolom Station – Session Two

Where are the Heroes.

Sat 30th December 2023 18:00

Salted Nuts Anyone?

On the 16th of Eco year 527, Party leader Hergatz receives a small package delivered by urchin courier. The package contained nuts packed in salt. There is a note written with shaky penmanship stating, “Please hurry and clear the upper Sargauth river of monsters and other impediments to commercial traffic. If you are unable to perform this small task soon, I have been promised a close visual inspection of my spleen. The enclosed bits are tokens of my employer’s earnest faith to assist in said inspection. Yours Respectfully, Ding Dong.” Using an Identify spell on the nuts reveals that these are Ding Dong’s nuts, and had been attached to him as recently as the 12Th.

Sun 29th October 2023 23:00

Returning to Halaster's Dungeon

The Heroes are rushing to descend to rescue Susan Smith from the Cult of Glasya and Ammelia Cassalanter

Sessions Archive

8th Oct 2023

Dive to the wreck of the Gray Goose.

Clues point to Benjamin Lawrence visiting or using the wreck of the Gray Goose.

Read the Report
1st Oct 2023

Chasing Benjamin Lawrence

The Heroes encounter large aberrations and Benjamin Lawrence and then follow him through an arcane portal.

Read the Report
27th Sep 2023

Raiding the Cursed Lair of the Belial Cult

The Heroes decide to trek underground to find the Lair of the Belial Cult and rescue Dana Durkin (ANOTHER kidnapped girl acting as a DECOY to trick Benjamin Lawrence).

Read the Report
22nd Jan 2023

Deliver the Cheese

The heroes purchase a large quantity of cheese and transport it to Celebrant Expert Dick

Read the Report
11th Jan 2023

Transmute the Silver Statue!

Thwart the Cassalanter's plot to sacrifice the silver statue to Asmodeus.

Read the Report
9th Jan 2023

Bring me Cheese!

The Heroes encounter someone /something odd. Odd and very dangerous.

Read the Report
9th Jan 2023

The iron Doors

The Heroes find some iron double doors that have been wedged shut with what appears to be femur bones, and the door frame has been decorated with humanoid teeth. There are markings on the doors. It looks like a warning to keep out. Naturally, the heroes open the doors and enter the hallways beyond...

Read the Report
23rd Nov 2022

drow fort battle

16 Amesh 527

Read the Report
22nd Nov 2022

The Old Tower

13 Amesh 257 Heroes using stealth and guile leave the Royal Boar by seperate ways to converge on the Old Tower.

Read the Report
21st Nov 2022

The Fish-folk

Read the Report
21st Nov 2022

1st Encounter with the Drow

Read the Report
4th Oct 2022

Investigating Cassalanter Manor

Read the Report
1st Oct 2022

Chase across the rooftops

Read the Report
24th Sep 2022

5 Amesh 527 - late afternoon

more going on inside the Cassalanter Monument.

Read the Report
24th Sep 2022


The Heroes breakfast is interrupted by a fireball.

Read the Report
28th Aug 2022

Find the Half-Elf!

Famous local businessman, A.B. Crump, owner of A.B.Crump's Auction, Flea Market & Curio Barn, has sought the hero's help in locating a missing employee, a half-elf named Edvard Marttinen.

Read the Report
7th Aug 2022

The case of the Shriveled Woman & Drowned Dwarf.

The mystery: Overnight two prisoners in the Springwells DPS station lock-up died. Both in the same holding cell. On the morning check-in of 7 Hobe 527, Evelyn Applegate appears shriveled, almost mummified, and Borrin Lokack appears to have drowned.

Read the Report
24th Jul 2022

Session 1 Investigating the death of Seth Weeks

Faux Molder wants the heroes to investigate the scene of the murder of Seth Weeks.

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Knight Ryker Durune

Lawful Good Hill Dwarf (Acolyte)
Cleric 1
13 / 13 HP


Rilitar Scintillia

Bard of Detroit Ferzith Cortellion

Neutral Good Human ()
Bard 1
10 / 10 HP



Mark Placeholder