Find the Half-Elf! Report

General Summary

1. Famous local businessman, A.B. Crump, owner of A.B.Crump's Auction, Flea Market & Curio Barn, has sought the hero's help in locating a missing employee, a half-elf named Edvard Marttinen.
2. Edvard did not show up for work in the morning of 18 Hobe. A.B. doesn’t think he returned home. Edvard’s home is a garret apartment above the Curio Barn.
3. A.B. recalls hearing Edvard’s plan to meet members of his rowing club at a bar in the Randolph Street district, The Sparkling Celery Inn on the evening of the 17th. A.B. recalls this information because it is unusual for the club to meet in dive bar in Randolph Street district.
4. The DPS did not act on A.B.’s request to investigate since there was no evidence of foul play.
5. After being turned down by the DPS, A.B. encountered Faux Molder, who then directed A.B. to find the Heroes at the Royal Boar.
6. The Heroes go to The Sparkling Celery Inn and find
a. This is a poor to squalid bar. Fisherman are playing cards for coppers and drinking Stroh’s beer.
b. No one in the bar is particularly chatty.
c. The bartender is nervously watching a shadowy figure at the corner table while Darian ask questions.
d. The “rich kids” were here last night, there was a disturbance, and the Steel Hand came to escort them out.
7. In the Randolph Street district the mercenary group, the Steel Hand have displaced many functions of the DPS.
8. A beggar outside The Sparkling Celery Inn, sells information to the heroes. The Heroes learn the “rich kids” were taken to a warehouse by the Steel Hand, 7129 Foster St.
9. The Heroes approach the warehouse, lookouts knock loudly on the wall to inform anyone inside. The Heroes tell one of the lookouts they are looking for a missing half-elf and want to go inside the warehouse. The lookout says they can go right ahead.
10. The Heroes encounter a group of crow-like people (Kenku) who ambush them inside the warehouse. After a brief fight and small fire, the heroes are victorious.
11. When the fighting stops, a half-elf emerges from a hiding place underneath the stairs. He introduces himself as Kevnan.
12. After Kevnan introduces himself, the DPS bursts down the doors. ( they have a special tool called a battering ram.)

13. DPS escorts heroes + Kevnan to Randolph Street DPS station. On the way to station the heroes observe more results of gang violence. The heroes insist they were looking for a half-elf named Edvard who the Steel Hand picked up last night. Kevnan tells the DPS the heroes saved him from the Grant family Kenku assassins and the Grant family took Edvard. Kevnan thinks the Grant’s took Edvard mistaking him for Kevnan. The DPS releases heroes after deciding they weren’t part of the gang violence. The DPS Watch Captain tells the heroes to go home and “keep the blood off the streets.”
14. Heroes return to 7129 Foster St. to look for clues. They convince the DPS officer watching the site to let them into the warehouse. Inside there are five dead crow people (Kenku), six humans with the Steel Hand insignia and three more humans in black leather armor. The Heroes have other intel from All The Light Touches the 2nd party must be soldiers for the Grant family. Kevnan explains he is the son of a former mayor of Detroit, Kwame Killpatrick who was charged with embezzling a fortune from the city.
15. Kevnan heard the Grant soldiers talk about yellow arrows, which turn out to be the chalk marks on the sewer walls from their hideout to the 7129 Foster St.
16. Heroes slog through sewers, only getting sidetracked once by a Gelatinous Cube to find the Grant’s hideout.
17. The heroe’s steamroll through the hideout, capturing one of the guards, who makes a lot of noise. They do not encounter anyone else. They find Edvard who was being tortured by someone who wanted to know about Kwame’s fortune hidden somewhere in the city and the key to finding the fortune is a magic item called Ketsar’s Horn.
18. The heroes decide to tie up the guard and leave.
19. There are no complications on navigating out of the sewers, since Hergatz provided directions. They emerge from the sewers in a different part of town, find a public bath and get laundry done. After lunch they cross town to return to the Royal Boar.

Edvard has now been safely returned. A.B.Crump reward's heroes with some gold. So the heroes go shopping.

RoD Campaign

Ryker Durune

Lawful Good Hill Dwarf (Acolyte)
Cleric 1
13 / 13 HP

Vectis Xi

Lawful Neutral Warforged (Guild Artisan)
Artificer 1
8 / 8 HP

Ferzith Cortellion

Neutral Good Human ()
Bard 1
10 / 10 HP
Report Date
28 Aug 2022

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