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The Drowned Sunset

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Drethildun
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Supporting Cast
  • The Eye
    You know they eye, yeeeeessss? friends we are, yeeesssss? Yessss?

Scheduled Sessions

Thu 17th December 2020 19:00

Session 8: Prolly more death lol

Lot's to do, hand over Presco, Speak to Rucchs family, Find Lydias sister, complete the debt, the choice is yours... So, what's your first course of action?

You already know, God's running amok, sludge and crystal tearing Darthas apart, the world seems finished, but of course that's not gonna stop any of you.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Adalai Lynn

Celestial Warlock Usze 'Taham



Lydia Rhapsody

Ruuch Caliban