Celestial Warlock Usze 'Taham | World Anvil

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Celestial Warlock Usze 'Taham

Lizardfolk who is far more intelligent than his kin thanks to a celestial taking refuge in his body. Is a pessimist and doesn't like fighting, rather quick to fear overwhelming opponents. Is kind and caring to those he trusts, but wary of strangers.

Campaign & Party

The major events and journals in Usze's history, from the beginning to today.

Nearing the armoury of Thraast. To be honest I didn't expect to be here so soon, nor to have any company with me. I'll do my best to make sure they make it out alive, their lives matter more to me than my own.

06:28 pm - 06.04.2021

Arm is gone. Friend is dead. Gibby is dead. Demi-god wants me dead. Humans are horrid creatures. I just want to get the shard and end this hellscape of an existance.

09:12 am - 08.03.2021

Can't believe I lost a dance-off to that filthy hairball...

11:03 pm - 14.12.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Usze.