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Session 7: Ravengard for Duke Report

General Summary

The next morning, Rose and her two guests wake to find the city drenched in a torrential downpour. Despite the downpour, there seems to be a lot of movement in the city, with crowds moving toward the Upper City. Mr. BiG sees a similar situation, though the press of people is less significant than near Rose’s shop. It’s around 9am at this point. The chatter amongst the citizens indicates that the suspects for unhanding the statue were found at the Beloved Ranger’s feet. The rain has mixed with the nightsoil to make a slurry on the grounds; the smell permeating the air even more so than before. The group eventually meets up in the Wide, as they make their way toward the center of the commotion. The youths were found in Norchapel, where they were dragged by the crowd through the city, their hands chopped off and the stone hands of the statues hung around their necks, before being dumped at the feet of the Beloved Ranger. Overall, Rose senses that the crowd seems very happy with the outcome, though she realizes that the youths are being blamed for all of the statues. From their interactions with the youths, there was no indication that they had done anything more than steal Minsc’s hands. The tensions amongst the citizens seems to have lessened, like a relief, but others have grown emboldened.   The group decides to retreat to Rose’s home to discuss the situation, out of the earshot of the main crowds. They are variously perturbed that the Guild seems to have used them to do some dirty work; they question the motives of the Guild’s actions in taking the hands from the statues prior to the youths defacing the Beloved Ranger. It seems that they are inciting the classes against each other, despite the current calm at the moment. They realize that the youths are going to be able to tell Silvershield that they didn’t lose them, but dropped them off at the door. As they deliberate, they hear a loud knocking at the door. Outside waits a member of the Flaming Fist, Devlin Crofter, who conveys a message from Ulder Ravengard to meet him at the Hissing Stones near the Seatower.   The group arrives at the Hissing Stones, where a man greets them and tells them that Marshall Ravengard is waiting for them; they should disrobe and meet him inside. The group heads into the bathhouse to meet Ulder Ravengard, who greets them, commenting on their promptness this time, and beckons them join him in the pools. Rose apologizes and mentions being stretched in too many directions at that time.   Once the group is seated in the steaming pools, he quickly gets to the point - he wants them to put pressure on his rival for the vacant ducal position, Wyllyck Caldwell, to keep him from being elected as that would push the city into even further turmoil. When the group accepts the task, he mentions that he knows an alchemist, Yssra Brackrel, who is willing to testify that Caldwell’s alchemically treated lumber is a danger to the city. While the accusations won’t hold up to scrutiny, they would be enough to damage his reputation if aired publicly. Ravengard believes if they were to approach him privately first, that would be enough to persuade him to stay out of politics. He cautions them to keep his name out of the ordeal at all costs, and that he’ll have some magic items as a reward if they’re successful.   After the discussion, and after promising to procure a feast for Mr. BiG, Ravengard takes his leave, leaving Flaming Fist pins for them that will grant access to the Seatower and Wyrm’s Rock. The group lingers in the pools for a while, discussing their plan of action. They finally decide to head down to Chevy Pursuit’s fish stall, procure a bribe to get back in Yssra’s good graces to obtain her testimony, before heading to blackmail Wyllyck.   They knock on Yssra’s door. She answers, “You… what do you want?” Mr. BiG launches into a long speel about how sorry he is for upsetting her and offers her the “Ocean’s Feast”. She snatches the food and lets them into her home. Around a mouthful of fish, she inquires what brings them back to her shop. Therial leads the group in explaining that Ravengard sent them to procure her statement about Caldwell’s wood being dangerous. She agrees to do so, because “Fuck Silvershield”. Therial asks if the lumber is actually dangerous or could be made to be dangerous; she says it’s not dangerous. Therial pulls out some slips of paper and discusses the details of the testimony with Yssra before finalizing it with her signature. Therial asks if she knows what the specific treatment method is; she has an idea of the treatment, and rattles off some names of chemicals, but doesn’t know the exact formula. When asked if she knows what Caldwell looks like, she gives a general description of him.   They catch the ferry back to Seatower, before making their way up to the Manorborn district toward Caldwell’s estate. As they walk, they discuss their plan for how to blackmail Caldwell. Upon arriving at his estate, their cloaks soaked through with rain and splatter, they knock on the door and an imperious looking butler answers. Therial says they’re here to meet with Caldwell about his business interests. He introduces himself as Rial, while Mr. BiG introduces himself as Mr. BiG. The butler lets them in, though he requests they wait in the vestibule. After a few moments, Caldwell descends the stairs and Therial thanks him for meeting with them and requests a moment of his time. He brings up the concerns regarding the safety of his lumber products, and mentions a top alchemist has produced testimony ; he warns Caldwell that he should focus on his business interests rather than other distractions. When questioned by Caldwell, Therial says that a concerned group of citizens is behind the accusations. Caldwell doesn’t buy it and demands to see the testimony; Therial points out that if he can’t even handle his own business problems, how could he be expected to handle the city’s problems. Caldwell goes white in the face and throws up his hands angrily, acquiescing to stay out of the city’s politics.   Their mission accomplished, they head into the Temples district to a small seafood and pasta restaurant, Holy Diver for a mid-afternoon meal. Therial covers some of the food costs for Rose. Mr. BiG recommends the linguini in clam sauce (his friend loves it) or a mean lobster - you have to fight it before you can eat it. Therial theorizes that the prime fee for generally average fare is due to the Holy Diver having all the perks of seafood without being at the docks. After finishing their food, they head back out into the city, keeping an eye out for anyone keeping an eye on them or tailing them. Therial starts his plan to lose their pursuers by gathering people to help them prevent the pursuers from following through the gate, accidentally starting a brawl at the gates in the process. As they pass through the districts, Therial spots another familiar looking pottery bowl in a pile of refuse. He doesn’t spot any businesses that would be the source of these bowls; he begins asking around to see if anyone’s heard any booms, knowing that the bowls were being used for smokepowder manufacturing. Nobody he asks seems to have heard any strange noises.   Mr. BiG is pretty sure nobody is following them at the moment, so the group heads down to the Seatower of Balduran to report to Ulder Ravengard. They show their pins at the gate, after which they’re quickly escorted to Ravengard’s office. When asked if the deed is done, Therial advises that Caldwell expressed a disinterest in expanding into politics. Satisfied, Ravengard pulls out a chest and sets it on his desk, pulling out several magic items as promised: Boots of False Tracks, Cloak of Many Fashions, Dread Helmet and a Tankard of Plenty. The group argues amongst themselves to divy up the items, before settling with Mr. BiG obtaining the cloak, Bernlund the helm, Therial the tankard and Rose the boots.   He then asks if they would be interested in further jobs; he would give them the best positions and the best weapons if they agree to help plant evidence to seek justice against the Guild. Lured by the promise of “best weapons”, they agree to the job.   An assistant hands a small bundle to Rose. Inside is a blood stained dagger, an ornate smoking pipe, carved with the name “Araix Rillyn”, and the upper third of a broken walking stick. It means nothing to her upon first glance, so Rose asks for clarification on where to plant these. The items belong to the Rillyn patriar, who often presides over trials of alleged Guild members and rules in their favor. The pipe reeks of the highly addictive, highly illegal sable moonflower. He tells them to head to the Szarr family crypts in Tumbledown and leave the items there. The group takes their leave of his office and the Seatower. They head back to Rose’s home amidst the flooding streets to discuss their plans and wait until night falls.   Therial and Rose discuss her standing with the Guild, in light and how she feels about the Guild’s recent actions. They both agree that all three of the people seeking them out are all terrible people; Rose doesn’t want any of them in positions of power. All of them not-quite-seriously mention potentially campaigning to become leaders of the city themselves. Bernlund suggests that the Flaming Fist might be the best way to gain power in the city, or through replacing Belynne Stelmane, as it seems she may be losing her effectiveness.   Around 7pm, the group heads out toward Tumbledown, where they quickly reach the Szarr family crypts. Realizing they can’t see anything in the dark, gloomy night, Therial casts Light on his staff for vision. They cautiously make their way into the crypts, checking for traps and looking for signs of magical auras.   Upon the center dais in the main hall are a group of four ghouls, feasting on the body of a young woman. The group quickly defends themselves as the ghouls rush to attack the new blood. Therial falls to the ground unconscious after one hit, but Bernlund pulls him out of immediate harm before taking his place against the ghouls. Rose dispatches two of the ghouls, before being knocked unconscious by the last. Bernlund quickly slays it to save her, and the last runs from the room in fright.   Mr. BiG brings Therial and Rose back to consciousness. The group heads to inspect the young woman’s body on the dais, where they find a head wound and some stab wounds. They scatter the items around to look like they were dropped naturally, before making their escape. As they make their way toward Rose’s home to sleep and recover for the night, there’s a rising sense of panic amongst the residents, with some mentioning rats coming out from the sewers en masse.   Session End: Night of Day 7 since Abdel’s Death

Murder in Baldur's Gate

Therial Balhadur

Neutral Good Dragonborn (Folk Hero - Baldur’s Gate)
Sorcerer: Wild Magic 1
8 / 8 HP
Player Journals
Session Seven by Therial
Report Date
29 Apr 2021

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