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Fri 23rd Apr 2021 05:11

Session Seven

by Therial Balhadur

We awake to some commotion in the new morning. The suspects have been found (after our leaving them to The Guild) at the foot of the Beloved Ranger statue. They were discovered and dragged, beaten, and had their hands cut off! The Flaming Fist leadership, Alder wants us to meet and prevent a Willik Caldwell (alchemist from the Manorborn district) from becoming the replacement Duke. We need to find some evidence, or fabricate it. Yeesra may be able to swear a statement against him. We claim some Flaming Fist pins to allow us to revisit him in Wyrms Rock.
We eat a bit and plot our action... maybe see Yeesra first; bet she still loves us for sure. We smooth that over with food of all things. We make a document stating the treated lumber is dangerous, she signs. We confront Caldwell and manage to convince him to stay out of politics. Someone is following us, and we will try to lose them with the help of a few locals.
We find another pottery bowl or two that have been discarded, similar to the previous. No one knows hearing any booms that would have made this wreckage. We report back to Alder and get paid in a choice of magical items (boots of false tracks, tankard of plenty, dread helm, cloak of many fashions). He wishes to hire us on again.
He tells us the judges are in the pocket of The Guild, there is need of some evidence to be placed in their possession. A bloody dagger, smoking pipe (engraved Ariax Rillyn), and a broken walking stick (bear-tree-triangle). Plant them in the Szarr family crypts in Tumbledown at night. Place near the stone sarcophagus in the middle.
We end up stepping into a pack of ghouls feasting on a fresh kill in the tombs. We make it thru and plant the evidence. Word spreads in town that the rats are fleeing the sewers and are attacking randomly.