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Session 4: A Cannibal Cult? Report

General Summary

The party walked downstairs from the den and started exploring. They made their way through the muddy warrens of the cult's subterranean lair and found the hanging corpse of Gustav Durst, swinging in creaking silence above a rotten feather bed. As the group explored the room, they antagonized the spirit of Elisabeth Durst, kept alive through malevolence and some sort of otherworldly power and she burst through a wall from her makeshift burial spot.   After putting Elisabeth to rest (violently), the party found some interesting items to aid them in their continued exploration.   Wandering the halls again, they found what looked like makeshift dorms for cult members arrayed around a fetid well and they were able to find a few more precious items hidden in their footlockers, chained to their rotting beds.   As the party headed towards the chanting sounds, they heard the voices more clearly. They were saying "He is the Ancient! He is the Land!" and, despite their smallest member falling into an already-spotted pit trap and skewering herself on the spikes ten feet below, they continued intrepidly down the dank halls into a dark abyss. And the party members, rather than being repulsed by the layered chanting, find themselves humming along.   Delving down multiple stair cases hewn into the rock and mud, the group then found an abandoned reliquary which had various strange and dessicated items in small alcoved scattered high and low around the room. There was a door to the northwest that leads into an unknown area but, more sinister, there was the sloping ramp down to a dank and fetid pool of water, through a yawning portcullis and into a dark room beyond. And the chanting gets louder. And louder.

Rewards Granted

cloak of protection, a small wooden coffer (unlocked) containing four potions of healing, a chain shirt, a mess kit, a flask of alchemist’s fire, a bullseye lantern, a set of thieves’ tools, and a spellbook with a yellow leather cover containing the following wizard spells:   1st level: disguise self, identify, mage armor, magic missile, protection from evil and good   2nd level: darkvision, hold person, invisibility, magic weapon   25A. This room’s chest contains 11 gp and 60 sp in a pouch made of human skin.   25B. This room’s chest contains three moss agates (worth 10 gp each) in a folded piece of black cloth.   25C. This room’s chest contains a black leather eyepatch with a carnelian (worth 50 gp) sewn into it.   25D. This room’s chest contains an ivory hairbrush with silver bristles (worth 25 gp).   25E. This room’s chest contains a silvered shortsword (worth 110 gp).

Curse of Strahd
Report Date
15 Nov 2020

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