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Curse of Strahd

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Forgotten Realms
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast

Escape from the Winery

The party seems to have finally defeated all of the druids and their shrub-like minions in the Wizard of Wines Winery. They are all catching their breath and asking the winery's owner, Davian Martikov, what prompted the attack when one of the party members glance out the windows and see more tree-like beings scuttling towards the winery, surrounding it. There appears to be dozens of the small creatures in a ring, half emerging from the fog and mist surrounding the building.   Davian pressed the party, worried about his family hiding in the ragged stand of pine trees on a low hill about 900 meters away, almost completely shrouded in mists. What will the party do? Why are the druids attacking? Why are they poisoning the wines? Who controls them and how will the party escape?!

Sessions Archive

27th Mar 2021

The Wizard of Wines

The party goes to the winery, "The Wizard of Wines", and finds a man standing in a small copse of trees with his family. He (Adrian Martikov) asks the party for help defending the winery, stating that the family had been forced out and had to run for their lives. Their father, Davian Martikov, stayed behind to hold off the intruders and may still be alive. After the group executed some expert sneak attacks on druids who appeared to be searching the winery, they find a staff of gnarled wood that emits an overwhelmingly unsettling feeling. Having not yet found the patriarch of the Martikov family, or evidence of his death, the party kept searching.   As the party opens the door at the end of the hallway upstairs, they see a figure with matted hair, festooned with twigs and dirt, rooting through drawers in a ransaked room that has a large strange device in the back right corner. There is a trail of blood that leads from where the figure stands to behind the device. The party looks on in shock as the dirty figure slowly turns to face them. It is then that the characters notice that, on either side of the room in the shadows not illuminated by the guttering torches in the room and the grey light streaking in from the dirty windows, there are two figures, tall and thin comprised of what look like twisted roots and vines. The strange figures creaking heads turn when they hear the sound of the characters opening the door, the hollow holes where eyes should be, gazing darkly at the surprised heroes standing in the room's doorway.

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13th Mar 2021

The Waving Stranger

In order to get some answers from the owner of the Blue Water Inn, they need to solve the mystery of why the shipments of wine stopped flowing from the Wizard of WInes. As they approach through a light rain and the heavy mist, they see a cloaked figure, beckoning them.

27th Feb 2021

Where Do Fortunes Lead?

After the party has their Tarokka reading from Madame Eva, they consider their options.

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30th Jan 2021

Fortune Favors the Bold

The party made it, with Ireena accompanying them, to the small Vistani encampment at Tser Pool. Madame Eva told them their fortune.

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16th Jan 2021

The Creatures in the Well

The party sees creatures moving in the village well.

19th Dec 2020

Barovian Investigations

The group has met Ireena Kolyanovich after speaking to her brother Ismark in the pub. She seems worried but stalwart and noble as well as strikingly beautiful. She insists the party assist her with the burial of her father at the church of the Morninglord in the north area of town.   The party agrees to help and there they meet Father Donavich who has a problem son named Doru. The burial ceremony, in a driving rain, ends after the group see a cloaked shadow watching from the fence's edge who fades away before they can question them.   After deducing Doru's issue, they head back down the hill to stay with Ireena in her father's mansion for the night.

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12th Dec 2020

Arrived at the VIllage of Barovia

After escaping Durst House, the party stumbled into a foggy, dusty road outside of the farmhouse. They found a basket containing a letter and some bottles of healing potion and then they started off towards what looked to be a small village in the fog to the west. On the way they found a half-eaten corpse with a letter, hammer and nails -- the letter begging that travelers leave the land to its fate and return when the darkness has gone.   After a short walk, The group arrived has in the village of Barovia.   The group bought some pies from an old woman in the town square (that she called "Dream pies") and at them on the spot and then they wandered into a pub called "The Blood of the Vine" where they met some interesting folks including Ismark, the son of the deceased burgomaster of the town.   He told the group that his sister was in the burgomaster's mansion which has been assaulted nightly by beasts that are unseen in the dark and he is worried for her and would like the party to escort her to some place safer than Barovia. Her father died from the stress of the nightly visits three days ago and she was in mourning. Ismark suggested that the party meet him at the mansion in the morning to talk to his sister Ireena and discuss what places they might travel to that would keep his sister safe.

28th Nov 2020

The Source of Chanting

The party hears voices and chanting just beyond the murky, dark sloping tunnel ahead of them. But they can also choose to explore another path first. What dangers will the Durst house reveal?

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14th Nov 2020

Session 4: A Cannibal Cult?

The group was nearly murdered by shadows in a dark shrine. They have holed up in a den hoping for some much-needed rest before they resume their exploration of the cult's catacombs, trying to find a reason for the cult's existence and a way out that doesn't involve certain death!

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7th Nov 2020

Session 3: Down the Spiral Stairs

Last week, the group caught their breath at the top of a spiral stairwell that was revealed after finding a secret door. This week, they will light their torches and descend into the unknown, hoping to unravel the mystery of the monster in the basement of the Durst House.

31st Oct 2020

Session 2: The Durst House

The group continues exploring the Durst House

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17th Oct 2020

Session 1: Introduction to Barovia

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This story is told by

The Protagonists



Birb Doggo


Milbo Maggins

Moldom Holdom