Session 2: On Shores of Gold Report

General Summary

The party after resting at Lake Ohon: Dock Ruins began traveling east into the Forest of Crows after tracking what appeared to be troll markings near the river, they pushed eastward until arriving at the coast. The night was uneventful save for the cawing of crows late into the night. By morning they traveled to the cliffs near the sea. This is where they found the Wreak of the Taihō-maru After a short talk with the only survivor of the ship they took what was useful before heading up the coast.   As the intrepid party arrived on the southern side of a river before nightfall they began to settle for the night and set up a watch. Not long into the night, the second shift noticed the weather out at sea had gotten worse and woke the party up. Fearing that the storm was soon to bear down on them they rushed westward along the river hoping to find the ruins of the grung water tribe. After many hours of running and nearly drowning they make it to a clearing where they promptly entered the only yurt that was standing. By sheer willpower alone they keep the yurt from crashing around them as they took shelter for the night as many of them needed rest.   Finding renewed energy the party made an effort to explore the old ruins of the grung water tribe before heading westward toward the hot springs. Deeper into the Forest of Crows they arrived at the White Gold Hotsprings. Using stealth they examined the land and huts along and above the springs. Finding only remains of burnt huts and an eldritch statue to some unknown far realms half-buried, they spread out to explore more.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Arrived at White Gold Springs
  • Found the last survivor of a shipwreck
  • Explored ruins of Grung Water Tribe

Charybdis & Scylla: Wonders of the New World

Aldric Merrion

Broderick Beauregard

True Neutral Human ()
Druid 3
24 / 24 HP

Lord Darius Clay

Report Date
19 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Scylla Map
Secondary Location
Forest of Crows

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