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Year One at UofW

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Eberron - Rising from the Last War
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Supporting Cast
  • Asuna Vargundil
    This professor was inspired by the MTG card Accomplished Alchemist. Asana is an elf with a mastery of using various ingredients to create both potions and antidotes. Asana is young, by elf standards, but learned her skills by taking classes under Dean Lisette when Lisette was still just a professor. The two worked closely together during Asana's time as a student and even after Asana had graduated When Lisette was offered the position of dean it was a no-brainer to ask Asana to teach the healing courses she had excelled at as a student. Asana happily accepted and over the course of a few years was offered a promotion from Instructor to Witherbloom professor of growth. Asana has a scientific mind and horrible bedside manor. As she cares for students who may have been attacked or suffered some other injury in the Detention Bog she more often than not will start talking to their wounds or talking about the horrors they could have faced instead of talking to the patients themselves and attempting to keep them calm. As a scientist Asana prefers to stay within her lab at Widdershins Hall and happily pays students for any potion ingredients they might bring to her. She also worries frequently about the work that Venoc is doing and asks students to bring her any notes about his research so she can prepare proper cures ahead of time.
  • Atari Hanzo
    Speaks in a Movie Trailer voice, loves slicing and dicing
  • Cleanse
    Losheel originally wanted a mechanical creation that would clean up her office and living space but Cleaner took it's duties to the next level and promptly started to clean and repair the grounds of the entire Strixhaven campus. Some have noted that Cleaner collects various trinkets and objects from trash and has been assembling a sort of artistic shrine of sorts. While this revelation has some Prismari students questioning the nature of art it has others wondering how alive Cleaner might really be. Cleaner has taken it upon itself to manage and supervise student workers on the campus grounds and none of the faculty have seen fit to argue with it.
  • Daen Sennogahl
    Outgoing, Jovial, Orthodox
  • Master Isabough
    Isabough is a treant who works as the head librarian at the Biblioplex. She is in charge of entry to the restricted sections and she supervises student workers.
  • Kerjil the Tamer
    Even as a young firbolg Kojil always had a way with animals. At only seven years old he helped calm a mad scurrid, foaming at the mouth, for long enough to find the wound that had caused the disease. Unable to heal the creature, the village elder helped the scurrid pass on. However, instead of passing on, the spirit of the scurrid remained and quickly climbed up to Kojil's shoulder. In the years to follow Kojil either tamed or was approached by all manner of dangerous or rare creatures such as Karoks and Cervins and was visited at times by the spirits of other creatures as well The village elder wrote to Strixhaven about these feats, hoping for an explanation and receiving only an admission letter for young Kojil in return. Kojil now serves as a Witherbloom professor of growth with his faithful scurrid ghost/familiar, whom he calls Tall Ear. Despite the dangers of Sedgemoor and the Detention Bog Kojil teaches students how to connect with the fauna of the land and how to use that connection to feel a creature's thoughts, desires, and even fears, allow his charges to form a bond with the creature. He also shows that even in death creatures can still be called upon and works with the spirits of pests and other creatures who die in the classes taught by other professors. Sometimes these spirits don't want to serve and sometimes spells can call on other forces, so Kojil teaches all students how to send dangerous entities back to where they came from.
  • Lotha ir'Hytra
    Renald was born to an influential and magically gifted human noble family. Throughout his formative years he was raised to carry on the family's legacy. That plan had a few issues when it was discovered Renald could barely use magic at all As a result of this discovery, Renald's mother hired a wizard to tutor Renald in magic, dismissing rumors about the man's past and his often cruel teaching methods. Renald's life was tragically lost during a lesson gone awry. And then he came back. Only a few hours later, long after his heart stopped pumping blood through his body Renald awoke. As he sat up and looked around he started seeing equations, diagrams, and other such information about whatever he was looking at. Fearing the work of a dark presence, the tutor attempted to kill the young boy with magic Renald now found weak and meaningless. The young boy who could hardly cast a spell instinctively changed the laws of the natural world, crushing the bones of the tutor in a powerful gravity well Upon learning what had happened Renald's parents wrote to Strixhaven and begged for early admission to be granted to their son, which Strixhaven approved Now nearing his 19th birthday, Renald is one of the youngest individuals to ever be granted a professorship at Strixhaven. While some are off put by his pale skin and empty stare that never quite meets your gaze (as he glances at the equations and diagrams only he can see) none can
  • Marrick Dahfinjer
    Marrick is a dashingly handsome male halfling and Lorehold professor of chaos. He's well known for his impressive archeological finds and his willingness to dive headfirst into fresh ruins. He's forever looking to test his luck against trapped doors, chests, halls, etc. And as he tells anyone who will listen, it's always his lucky day. He tends to come out on top, both in his expeditions and his business dealings. Marrick and the other Lorehold staff agree that artifacts should be owned and maintained by the community at large. That said, Marrick personally believes that dangerous artifacts, especially ones that might hurt students or staff, should be moved into more private collections ... for the right price. Marrick might readily accompany students who wish to go ruin-diving for artifacts, but he gets selfish about splitting up the finds. His selfishness only extends to profit though as he readily puts himself into danger to help students out of tough situations
  • Melvi Le Donto
    As a Quandrix student Melvi, a human female, was constantly found in one of the lab spaces available in either in the Biblioplex or in one of the other buildings on the Central Campus. She was primarily focused on the intersection of theory and substance where one became the other. It is perhaps because of her time spent in these labs that Melvi was able to successfully convince Director Taiva to hire her after she had graduated to organize and lead a program of student workers who clean, organize, and lend a hand to others performing research in labs across each of the six campuses.
  • Ron Santaris
    Cocky and brash, Ron is a first year student with a lot to prove. A halfling gifted with evocation, fire magic is second nature to him. He will always take the opportunity to show off and belittle those he sees as his competition, often creating his own opportunities for drama.
  • Tervis Sharpwing
    Terivs, a male owlin, is a powerful battle medium who primarily uses twin spirit swords as he carves up his foes. He's one of the weakest members of the Lorehold staff in terms of arcane ability, he's barely able to use more than a few spells. But he makes up for his lack of magical acumen with his martial prowess and his experience in dealing with spirits. In addition to his twin blades, Tervis can summon and enhance the spirits of warriors of the past to fight with him. As such, he has learned a great deal about historical weapons and fighting styles. He frequently trains in different weapon techniques in a small courtyard in Pillardrop and is happy to spar or teach any student who primarily focuses on using weapons instead of magic, even if that teaching occurs outside of class.
  • Tig, Newt, Yuula, Ingrid Spire of Wrogar
    With Ron as their defacto leader, these students round out the rest of the Spire of Wrogar for Year One.
  • Xyla Laning
    XYLA LANGNING Xyla is a relatively young, female gnome. She's a prominent dustspeaker and one of the newest Lorehold professors of order. At a young age, Xyla grew frustrated over people always misspelling or mispronouncing her name. To combat this, she took it upon herself to learn as many languages as she possibly could That way, at least she knew she would never make the same mistake. Despite her young age, Xyla is fluent in nearly twice the number of languages as the next most linguistically focused faculty member at Strixhaven. Xyla particularly enjoys researching new and obscure languages and can become overly excited when she meets a student who knows an uncommon or rare language. Like many gnomes, Xyla has an abundant love of life but much of her time is spent listening to ancient spirits bound to statues on Effigy Row. Xyla teaches several courses on language and composition of magical tomes, grimoires, and scrolls.
  • Zoei
    With most of the professors being busy with research and teaching, Zoei happily takes on the work of managing the logistics of housing students. As a satyr, Zoei is a boundless force of energy who loves working with students and watching as they go through the ups and downs associated with campus life. As a Prismari alumna, Zoei uses her pentup energy to come up with elaborate events for students such as balls, game nights, and other such events. She manages the dormitories for each of the five colleges and dormitory student workers report up to her.

Scheduled Sessions

Tue 3rd May 2022 3:00

Orientation Day