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Session 31: Return to Marrowstone Report

General Summary

When we last left our adventurers…   The party had three days of travel left before reaching Marrowstone and returning Imoen to her hometown. The issue of the money they were currently carrying that had been taken from the town was discussed at length. Most in the party felt like taking a small portion of the money as recompense for their efforts was fine, and wouldn’t be missed by the city as they had no idea of what the party was returning with. Old Grey however, disagreed with this idea and instead held onto his belief that they should return all the money. As he was the one holding the bad containing the money no money was given to the party. The night before reaching town. Thalos and Talen took a watch together and attempted to take the portion of the money out of the Bag of Holding. They attempted to recruit Cloud into their scheme but the tabaxi declined. Talen turned himself invisible and snuck up upon the sleep Loxodon. He managed to get out the portion of money they were trying to get but Old Grey woke up right as the last few coins left the bag. Old Grey knew something had woken him up and had a suspicion of what might have happened. A tense situation followed with Cloud shooting out one of the pouches on Talen’s waist, showing platinum where none had been before. Some concessions were made by both sides and a small amount of money was distributed among the group from the city’s funds and the group continued on their way. Arriving at Marrowstone, the group found that a contingent of monks from Ryn’s monastery had travelled down from the mountain and were helping the people of the town get ready for winter and recover after the fight with the undead. Most seemed to know Ryn but he didn’t stop to talk to any of them The first stop was Arahana’s house. The elven mage told the group that Liliana had come by her house and given her the ultimatum, give her the mirror or she would start killing people in town. With little choice, Arahana gave up the mirror. She also told the group of two other strangers in town. A mage calling himself Jace and a large leonine tabaxi named Ajani had arrived a few days ago and were asking around about Liliana though they had yet to make it to talk with Arahana. Maalo visited the talking wardrobe, gaining herself a new item before the group set off to leave. At this point, Fade asked for his payment of getting them safely to Marrowstone and keeping The Brotherhood from following them. With hesitation, the wand was given over and Fade left. The group, needing to turn the money in and to speak with Marshall Ridley, asked Arahana to watch Imoen for them. They left the young girl there and made their way to see Ridley. The marshall was happy to see them all alive and well and even more pleased that they had managed to bring back such a large portion of the money. The party was rewarded by the marshall and told once again about the strangers in town. Ryn asked that Imoen and her father be allowed to move to the monastery, where they would be safe and protected by the monks. The marshall agreed to let him come back to town long enough to gather his daughter and leave again, as long as the monastery also agreed. The monk leading the effort here in town should be able to help broker such a deal. They could meet later that night at The Silver Seal, a very nice inn and tavern, where the strangers were also said to be staying. The party then split up, with Talen and Thalos going straight to the inn, besides a quick stop to Arahana’s magic shop. Cloud and Old Grey went and saw their firbolg friend at the Safe Haven where Cloud sold a bunch of good berries. Ryn went to go speak to the monks, meeting another aarakocran who was in charge of the efforts here in Marrowstone and spent the rest of the day helping around town. Eventually, the entire party met up at the tavern.   Who are these new people looking into Liliana? What did the necromancer possibly want with a mirror filled with large and dangerous monsters?

Office Campaign

Maalo Stormfist Egena-Viala

Level 7 Goliath CN Barbarian
/ HP


Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
02 Nov 2019

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