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Session 14: Aftermath Report

General Summary

When we last left our adventurers...   After the battle with Liliana, the city of Marrowstone began to recover. The resurrection of Old Grey was successful and after giving him a quick rundown of what had happened, the group began to look at their options. Talen walked away during this discussion headed off somewhere deeper into the city. After his return a few hours later, the group went looking for their missing cabinet, which they found not far from where they left it and very excited to "see" all of them again. Along the way out of the city, they were stopped by an old gnomish woman with frizzy white hair, thick spectacles and a number of pouches and mechanical bits on her person. She recognized them as the heroes of the town and asked for their help. She had lost her cat, Bella, and was desperate to get her back. After some negotiations, mostly by Thalos, they party agreed to go find the cat in exchange for some magic items that Grannie Shortbarrel said she would give them. Looking into the matter, they soon discovered that Bella was in face a Displacer Beast and had kittens with her. A plan was hatched and executed and while it didn't go 100% correctly, they managed to get both the kittens and Bella back home to Grannie. Grannie took them all to the attic where she kept her mimic security guards in check while retrieving their items. She passed them out, gave them some milk and cookies and gifted Cloud with a Displacer Beast kitten that she could raise as her own.   The mirror and cabinet are now both with Arahana, in as secure a place as anyone could manage, but the group still needs to find a way forward. Will they go back and begin the long process of restoring Sael Anore? Will they travel to the sunken ruins in search of more wealth and treasure? Or will they continue to try and find a way to locate Liliana?

Office Campaign


Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
30 Nov 2019

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