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Session 8: Arrival at Marrowstone

General Summary

The party arrives at Marrowstone and make a plan to split up and let the important people in town know about the large threat that now lies close to their walls. Thalos, Talen and Cloud go to find Marshall Ridley, local leader of the Azure Army while Mizzix and Old Grey headed towards the local temple of The Way, hoping to get some help from the lead cleric there. Marshall Ridley, while somewhat skeptical of their story, nonetheless rallied her forces for an impending attack and promised to send out scouts to verify the location of Liliana and her undead army. She also mentioned that the last time Thalos was in town he burned down a building but gave no other details to the group. Samarra Trevothi, cleric of Ingsta, was also skeptical but even in her terse manner took the news seriously and sent people out to start pulling back townsfolk from near the walls and to protect those that they could within the temple itself. After visiting these people, the groups moved onto other people in town that they wanted to speak with. Thalos split to visit the market and get a feel for the consumer population of the town. Talen and Cloud when to talk to Arahana Na'idon, a local mage. They explained what had happened to Arudnel and asked if there was anything she could do to help. She didn't have much in her books to help with undead and from their description she would not be powerful enough to face Liliana head on, but there might be something else she could do. They asked about nearby ruins they could explore and she gave them three different locations they might be able to search. The one that caught their attention the most was a half sunken city a few days down the coast from Marrowstone. She left after asking to speak with Talen again soon as she seemed intrigued by his origins. Mizzix and Old Grey went to go see a local blacksmith. A fire genasi woman greeted them and introduced herself as Austral. She agreed to help Mizzix and give him some room to work on his project. Old Grey asked for the extra large morning star to be rebalanced so that he could use it in battle. She told him she could work on it but it might take awhile. They were to come back tomorrow. The group met back up at The Safe Haven tavern. There they were greeted by a very welcoming Firbolg by the name of Leoran Stonebranch. They purchased rooms and spent the night anticipating an attack from Liliana at any moment. No attack came however and the group spent the next day attending to some different tasks. Cloud traveled outside the city and managed to bring down a large moose. She sold the meat and hide to Leoran for a small profit and a free night of stay at the tavern. Old Grey and Mizzix spent the day with Austral where Old Grey sharpened swords while she help Mizzix and worked on balancing his weapon. It took all day but Mizzix was successful in completing his apparatus. Talen and Thalos went to the marketplace and started selling recorders. They managed to get a few sales in before the city guard noticed Talen casting magic and seemed to see through Thalos' disguise. The duo manged to evade the guards and make it back to the tavern for another night in town. With nothing much they can do for the city if an entire army arrives, the group gets ready to set off down the coast and the 1/2 sunken ruins in search of treasure and magic items.

Office Campaign

Mizzix of the Imagnus (Deceased)

Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
03 Mar 2019

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