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Session 4: Fight or Flight

General Summary

Minotaur skeleton outright kills Gagazet. The rest of the party runs, trying to close the doors to the room behind them. The Minotaur breaks through and knocks Old Grey unconscious. Not willing to leave his friend behind, Gulldrick Woodhammer managed to stabilize the loxodon before further running. As the group made it to the next room, the minotaur once again caught up to them and knocked Gulldrick Woodhammer out. Mizzix and Talen were all that was left as Sahanna Sparkledust Nosk had finally broke away from the fight and ran away. squeezing through a small corridor the two felt they might have some safety but the minotaur wasn't to be stopped. It kicked Gulldrick Woodhammer out of the way, eventually leading to his death, and pushed into the room. The two remaining conscious party members managed to squeak out victory with Talen Faemenor getting the final blow. They burned the bodies of their fallen friends after looting them as well as the sarcophagus and waited for Old Grey to wake up. One long rest later and the three of them headed back to town. They all wanted to return to the ruins to continue exploring but they needed more people. Mizzix changed the posting Sahanna had given them and put it back up on the notice board. He then sat down and waited, and worked on his plans. Old Grey and Talen went to visit the local herbalist, an old woman, who made them do a bunch of chores for her in exchange for 1 common healing potion. The the group met Thalos, a human recorder salesman and adventurer. He managed to sell some recorders to both Old Grey and Rask. Despite his somewhat shifty presentation, the group decided to bring him along and after a nights rest, headed back to the ruins.

Office Campaign

Mizzix of the Imagnus (Deceased)

Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Gulldrick Woodhammer (Deceased)

Gagazet (Deceased)

Report Date
02 Feb 2019

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