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Session 6: The Third Floor

General Summary

The group finished exploring the third floor after fighting off the Ogre Zombie, ghouls and zombies they had found. The found signs that the woman had come before them, apparently searching for something. The found some gems, some spell scrolls in an amber box and a ebony wood puzzle box. Then they left the ruins and decided to camp for the rest of the night in the woods outside of the entrance to the ruins. About 6 hours into their rest Mizzix of the Imagnus smelled some smoke and saw a dull glow of light coming from the direction of the village. He immediately woke everyone else up and he, Talen Faemenor and Thalos Grosh ran through the woods as fast as they could. All three grew exhausted by the time they reached the village. Old Grey and Cloud on the Mountain Top picked up camp and hurried to follow their companions. The found the village in flames and the woman necromancer leading a small army of undead. They seemed to be searching the village for something. She had three figures bound and kneeling before her on the ground; Rask, the herbalist, and Sahanna. The rest of the villagers were being penned up by a fence of zombies and while a little worse for wear, no on had yet appeared to have been killed. They watched as she questioned the three and grew angry at their responses. Without a clear way forward the group decided to wait and see what direction the night might take them.

Office Campaign

Mizzix of the Imagnus (Deceased)

Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
13 Feb 2019

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