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Session 9: Journey to Sael Anore

General Summary

The group go the low down on Sael Anore from Arahana, along with some paper and ink for Talen to transcribe some of his spells. They left the city and saw groups of clerics casting the Hallow spell near the gates. Old Grey knew that this was a time consuming and expensive spell but one that might easily turn the tide of battle against an army of undead. The first night they were ambushed by some emaciated gnolls. After killing most of them, and Thalos wanting to kill the last one as well, the group learned that they had been attempting to live at the fortress but that things there, spirits or ghosts, drove them away. The group got a good idea of the layout, at least generally, from the remaining gnoll. They let him go the next morning and finished the journey towards the fortress. Arriving saw them starting a wonder of architecture and what the ravages of time can do to a place. The most disturbing thing however were the shadows, the shades that seem to be patrolling the edges of the very large clearing. Moving the cat familiar through didn't provoke any kind of aggressive response so Talen moved into the space. A shade moved closer to him and seemed to drain some of his strength, whispered 'help' and pointed towards the large central tree. The group slowly made their way towards the tree but were confronted by a large warrior spirit that called a number of shadows to it's aid. A short battle commenced and the party was victorious. The night came soon under the trees of the forest so the group decided to rest before tackling whatever awaits them in the large main tree, but out on the edge of clearing near the large stream that flows through the area.

Office Campaign

Mizzix of the Imagnus (Deceased)

Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
08 Mar 2019

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