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Session 28: Wolves of Winter Report

General Summary

When we last left our adventurers...   The party stepped through the ring of brush and found themselves somewhere else. Talen and Thalos confirmed that they were in the Feywild before another large individual came crashing through the brush. A large goliath woman carrying a large axe and wearing no armor crashed through and almost ran over Old Grey who was standing near the back of the group. As they all tried to get their bearings a voice called out from the forest that now surrounded them. It was a winter fey, an eladrin and he simply asked the party to leave Imoen and he would return them all to the Material Plane. The party immediately said no to this proposition and the fey summoned some wolves to try and take out the party while pelting them with cold magic. The group prevailed in the fight and the fey, who had told the group their name was Frink Frank, told them to enjoy the rest of their lives in the Feywild and disappeared. With little recourse, the group picked a direction and started walking. They eventually ran into a Nereid and a Dryad. The two women offered to help the party and tell them how to get out of the Feywild if they would give them something from the Material Plane. During this discussion, Thalos bartered for a kiss from the Nereid which caused some major acid damage to him. The group offered up a golden statue to the ladies who accepted and told the party they walked for a year in a certain direction they would get out. With that, Talen lashed out and attacked the Dryad, killing her. Cloud shot at the Nereid but she managed to escape. As the dryad died, a haze of black smoke surrounded the group. They each relived a dream they had experienced where a smoke monster with red eyes played a prominent role. Once the vision was over, the group found themselves back on the Material Plane and right outside the circle of brush. The group made their way back to town, a bit upset with Talen and his decision to kill the Dryad and began to learn about their newest member, Maalo a former soldier, now mercenary who seemed to wish to travel with the group.   What will the rest of their journey hold? What other dangers do the wilds of Talinor have for the party? Will they make it to Marrowstone?

Office Campaign

Maalo Stormfist Egena-Viala

Level 7 Goliath CN Barbarian
/ HP


Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
18 Sep 2019

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