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Session 33: Into the Depths Report

General Summary

When we last left our adventurers....   The party made final preparations for leaving Marrowstone on their journey to retrieve Imoen's father from Port Gamble. They had one small stop on the way, to search for Lilianna in the sunken ruins of Calnoria. After the short ride to the ruins, the party found themselves in a small row boat headed towards the area known to have ruins beneath the surface of the ocean. Another small sail boat was seen on the horizon and the group wondered who else might be out here on a cold winter day. Ryn flew over as Cloud walked across the waves and Maalo pulled on the oars of the rowboat. A sleeping goblin was found on the deck of the ship along with a number of empty potion bottles. Once the full party arrived the goblin was rudely awoken and held down by Maalo and then questioned by Talen, the only one who could speak goblin. It seems like he was part of a small group of treasure hunters that often came to the ruins to search for gold and other things they could make a profit from. Not wanting any competition but also not wanting to just kill the goblins, the party took the anchor off the sail boat and Ryn carried Thalos as the blew the sail boat far away from the ruins. With an anchor for their own boat procured, Talen cast Water Breathing on them all and they all found various ways of getting to the bottom of the ocean. Beneath the cold and murky water, the group found surprisingly intact ruins of a resort city. A large hotel like structure sat to their right with one corner completely collapsed and another large structure to their left that appeared to be the casino. In between and off in the distance across and wide open courtyard was the coliseum or fighting arena. Plant life and sea creatures were seen everywhere. A few party members saw shadows swimming around between other smaller ruins of statues and columns and they all proceeded stealthily forward towards the casino. The front doors were located and opened with a large scraping sound coming from them as Maalo forced the doors open. Inside the party fought off two Merrow. Large monstrous looking creatures. With the sounds of more coming from deeper in the building the group backed out quickly only be confronted with a large number of merfolk. Their leader, Zariel, told the party that they needed to leave and that they were sick of people coming to their home. The party asked about Liliana and Zariel informed them that yes, she had been here and she would tell them what she was looking for and where she went when she left, if the party agreed to take care of a great evil that plagued the merfolk. A deep chasm split part of the coliseum and any merfolk sent in that direction to explore or find new homes for them were never seen again. The group agreed and as a sign of their thankfulness to the group, Zariel outfitted them with bands of swimming and stones of warmth, granting the party greater swimming ability and protection from the cold ocean depths. The party then made their way towards the coliseum and whatever it was they were supposed to destroy for the merfolk.   What waits for the group within the chasm? Will it be worth the information promised?

Office Campaign

Maalo Stormfist Egena-Viala

Level 7 Goliath CN Barbarian
/ HP


Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
02 Nov 2019

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