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Session 11: Dealing with the Dead Report

General Summary

When we last left our adventurers...   The party was in the middle of a fight with invisible foes. After changing up their tactics and getting a Faerie Fire spell to stick, the group prevailed and started digging around the desks and other furniture that was left. Talen was the only one who found anything, a piece of paper with writing on it. The group continued up the stairs, travelling up many flights until the found a floor with an open door. They stopped to inspect the oddity and found a large cabinet covered in a cloth, all alone in a room. Taking the cloth off the cabinet caused it to awaken and offer them some magical items, though only one each. Then the cabinet asked them if they would take it with them when they left. He had been alone for a long time and wanted to see people again! There was some debate about this and the group decided to decide after they had explored the rest of the tree. The cloth was thrown back over the cabinet which caused to fall back asleep. The cloth was removed again in order to ask the cabinet further questions about the fortress. In the ensuing conversation Mizzix and Thalos got into a big of an argument which ended when Thalos threw the cloth over Mizzix head and Mizzix then stabbing Thalos. The rest of the group separated them and everyone headed back up the stairs after fighting with a floating ball of light that seemed to shock people. Thalos tried to kick Mizzix down the stairs a few times until Old Grey separated them once again. The group reached the second to last floor where the cabinet had told them that the War Room and mages work room were located. After tripping a small fire trap on the mage's door, the group explored the interior. This room still held much of its contents, as opposed to the rest of the tree which held little. The most notable item in the room was something covered in a shimmering dark grey and silver cloth leaning up against the wall. The wall had an obviously empty spot where this object once hung. Investigating around, Talen managed to find a single health potion that was still useable and a few pieces of legible paper out of what appear to be a journal. These spoke of a powerful artifact; a mirror and a betrayal. It was immediately evident that the object under the cloth was this mirror. The group decided to wrap the mirror in rope to keep the cloth in place and attempt to take it was with them. But first, they wanted to make sure there wasn't anything more on the top floor of the tree. Thalos turned into a wolf and he and the cat familiar went up the stairs to take a look. The top floor was completely open and had a roof of massively large windows that should have shown the daylight, but instead showed only a star filled night sky. Floating along was a ghostly elven woman with a gaunt appearance and elongated fingers. She seemed to not notice the two at first but then with a jerk, she turned and looked directly at them. She turned and started to move aggressively towards both of them. Thalos and the cat turned and ran, the creature close on their heels.   Another fight against the spirits that remain here seems imminent. Will the party flee or stand and fight? Can they get both the mirror and the cabinet out of the tree without breaking them? Will this mirror help them in their fight against Liliana?

Office Campaign

Mizzix of the Imagnus (Deceased)

Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
27 Nov 2019

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