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Session 38: The Caramouth Bog Report

General Summary

When we last left our adventurers… The party made their way into the Caramouthe Bog, following the one track that seemed stable with Maalo leading the way. After traveling for a few hours, the group started hearing a splashing sound coming from in front of them. Ryn rose into the air and spotted a small gnome with bright pink hair racing through the bog carrying something. As the gnome raced by the party, she started yelling at them to run and the sounds of something even larger and more aggressive were heard. That’s when the 5 heads of the hydra popped out through the trees and came racing towards the party. The fight was short and decisive with Cloud getting the killing blow. Thalos spent most of his time trying to catch and subdue the gnome who was now obviously carrying an egg. Once the hydra was killed the gnome stopped trying to run away and introduced herself as Lilivilu. She had come to the island of Vashon to scout out some possible hunting grounds for the guild she worked for, the Freeshadow Hunters, a monster hunter’s guild that was just getting started in Hallowind. While she was talking she stopped and looked at Old Grey and said she recognized him as a Loxodon, and called him Belgrenoth. A bit stunned that anyone knew his real name and recognized him, Old Grey asked how she knew. Lilivilu told him she knew Filauria, who was a part of their guild as well and she had told Lilivilu all about him. The party was also a bit stunned at this revelation about Old Grey but focused on the gnome still in front of them. Eventually, they agreed to let her come with them and to give her a ride home to Hallowind, after making a stop in Marrowstone with Imoen’s father. She let Maalo hold her egg and they started walking deeper into the swamp, looking for a cure for Ryn’s disease. Another couple of hours later, they found a small cottage, suspended between two trees just above the water level in the swamp. Mist and fog swirled around the building and the surrounding swamp, making seeing very far difficult at best. Ryn knock and was surprised to find a beautiful elven woman in a dress that appeared to be made from leaves and moss, her long dark brown hair equally filled with pieces of wood. She informed Ryn that she could indeed cure him of his disease, but it would come at a cost. She needed a book from his monastery, but wouldn’t tell him which one until he agreed to the deal. He refused, and the rest of the party tried to get her to take other things. She only asked for things they weren’t willing to give up. Eventually, the party and the woman came to an impasse. She warned they that the bog was dangerous, confusing and the party should take care travelling through it. Leaving the cottage, the mist swirled once more and it vanished, leaving the party and their new gnome friend, sitting in the middle of the swamp.   Will the party be able to find their way out of the swamp? Will they find someone who can heal Ryn?

Office Campaign

Maalo Stormfist Egena-Viala

Level 7 Goliath CN Barbarian
/ HP


Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
16 Jan 2020

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