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Session 15: Finding a Way Report

General Summary

When we last left our adventurers… The party decided that they should go after the deserters of the city and made their way to talk with Marshal Ridley. Upon reaching her office, the saw that she was talking with a bird-like creature known to some of the group as an Aaracokran. The Marshall introduced him as Rynrielle, a monk from the mountain monastery. They were trustworthy and reliable and would make a good addition to their group now that they were down a memeber. Rynrielle told the party of how he had been watching the night of the battle and had made his way down the mountain to see what he could do to help. The group accepted his help and they started asking the marshall about Captain Blackrock and the rest of the deserters. She didn’t have much to say, other than it was out of character for him and that they had taken everything they could with them to the island of Vashon and probably Port Gamble. None of the normal ports would allow them to land without being immediately arrested. The marshall agreed to help them as much as she could by getting them passage on a boat that still remained with Captain Rathada to Port Gamble if that is where they wanted to go. The group decided to make a few pit stops before they left to see if anyone else had any other information about the deserters. No one had any other information though Thalos made sure to check the local brothel before they left. Rathada trained the group in various ship tasks during the jouney and the group came up with various plots and plans for what they would do when they reached the island. The arrived under the cover of darkness and had Rathada drop them off a few miles away from Port Gamble. The followed the beach until right before the edge of town.   What will this den of piracy, debauchery and partying have in store for our group? Is Captain Blackrock here? What is the true story behind his desertion?

Office Campaign


Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
22 May 2019

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