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Session 39: Escape Report

General Summary

When we last left our adventurers… The party spent, what felt like hours, wandering through the Bog, trying to find their way out but without much success. Tahlos got a message in his head. It was the witch, she offered to give them the opportunity to gain their freedom if only he would throw his golden belt out into the swamp. After trying to pin her down on wording, he agreed and tossed the belt out into the water. At the same moment, a giant frog like creature rose out of the deep water and attacked the party. A few Bullywugs also attacked but the party managed to kill everything, with only Ryn being swallowed. Once the creature was gone, the fog lifted and Cloud knew they were only about 30 mins away from the edge of the swamp towards Port Gamble. The group easily made their way back and found the port inhabitants a bit on edge. Upon returning to Bellamy’s and Cpt. V., the group learned that Inky, one of V’s crew was missing. Cpt. V enlisted their help in finding her but before they could start, Sartari came and told V she had found Inky’s body. The group investigated Inky’s room where it seemed like she had been killed. They found a few wet spots on the floor and inspected the sword wound on her chest but didn’t find anything pointing to any one person. Old Grey offered to put everyone in her crew under a Zone of Truth spell to see if any of them might have done it. Cpt. V asked that they all also submit to this, to help eliminate them as suspects. The party agreed and the crew was gathered in the main tavern room Old Grey attempted to cast his Zone of Truth but someone in the room countered the spell. Old Grey then cast command and told everyone to line up on the wall so he could see them and cast Zone of Truth again. Everyone in the room failed and were telling the truth when asked if they killed Inky.Capt. V seemed satisfied that none of her crew or the party were responsible for the murder. The party took Blackrock, and Inky’s body with them after going through the same process with Cpt. Rathada of their own ship and telling Cpt. V that they could try and bring back Inky. Cpt. V thanked them for their help and would be in touch with them as soon as she found out who had killed Inky. The group headed back to Marrowstone, Lilivilu still in tow, getting very used to being on a boat at this point. That first night, Talen received a message from Arahanna, “She took her. I couldn’t stop her, I can’t….” at which point the message cut off.   What awaits the party back at Marrowstone? Why would Lilianna want Imoen? Will there even be a town left when they arrive?

Office Campaign

Maalo Stormfist Egena-Viala

Level 7 Goliath CN Barbarian
/ HP


Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
22 Jan 2020

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