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Session 2: Into the Ruins

General Summary

When we last left our adventurers... The party woke the next morning to some hearty oatmeal provided by Rask Toadson. They asked him what he knew of the ruins and Sahanna herself. Sahanna showed up about 6 months before, exploring ruins. She had put that notice up a few days ago but Rask had no idea why she needed adventurers to come help her. There were occasionally goblins, kobolds and orcs nearby but he didn't know if any immediate dangers in the area. Mizzix, upset by the mention of goblins being enemies, left the tavern. The rest of the group bought some simple supplies from Rask and headed out to Sahanna's house. A simple, one room house awaited them. A tinkering table covered in bit and bobs along with drawings took up most of the room. The party negotiated a deal with her, a 70-30 split of any treasure they find within the ruins. She grabbed her gear, including a metallic glove with a shining blue gem inset into the palm and they headed out. A dark hole in the ground with stairs leading down was all that they found once they arrived at the ruins. Sahanna told them that she had heard some scrabbling and scrapping and was worried, hence the need for a posting at the local tavern. With only a little hesitation the group started down the old, narrow steps. Old Grey's knee acted up on the way down and he managed to knock everyone down to the bottom of the stairs doing some damage to everyone. Then the real dungeon delve began. The very first room they encounter hid a pit trap and a swarm of very hungry rats. They dispatched them and continued exploring, eventually coming across an arrow trap that Talen "discovered" and a chasm that seemed to split the ruin in half. An old, very beat up rope bridge crossed the chasm and Gagazet and Gulldrick leaped across to try and attempt to secure enough rope for everyone else to cross. The Loxodon proved to be to heavy however and the party split up to search each side of the chasm separately. Mizzix, Talen, Old Grey and Sahanna found some zombies and after a few moments dispatched them. Gagazet and Gulldrick also found some zombies that they easy took care of but then went to search a room and found a giant rat and more rat swarms waiting for them. Gulldrick tried to reason with the rat but it's hunger proved too much. They attacked..... Will Gulldrick and Gagazet stick around to fight the rats? What else does this ruin hold within?

Character(s) interacted with

Sahanna Nosk

Office Campaign

Mizzix of the Imagnus (Deceased)

Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Gulldrick Woodhammer (Deceased)

Gagazet (Deceased)

Report Date
20 Jan 2019

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