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Session 32: The Strangers Report

General Summary

When we last left our adventurers…   The group arrived at the Silver Seal and worked out some details of Imoen and her father staying at the monastery for the foreseeable future. Marshall Ridley agreed not to have Mr. Blackstone killed if he came back but recommended being subtle about it as there were many in town whom she could not speak for. The group also finally met Jace and Ajani, the two strangers that had been asking around town about Lilliana. They shared some information and Jace let the group know that he didn’t want Lilianna killed, merely captured. He wasn’t sure why she was in Talinor other than that she was probably looking for something. The party remembered that there were two other locations that they had heard held magical items that Lilliana might travel to. Jace was very interested in these and asked that the party go and investigate one of them; he and Ajani would take the other. The group told them about the mirror and agreed to go and check one of the locations for the necromancer. They gave Jace one of the rocky-talkies and they agreed to call Jace if they found her. The next morning, after some of the group spending some quality time with the owner of the bar, the group started prepping for their journey. Cpt. Rathad was willing to take them to Port Gamble and the group decided to make a stop at the sunken city to check for Lilliana. Ryn and Eliwyse went and visited Imoen, telling her that she and her father were moving to the monastery to be protected and Ryn promised Eliwyse that he would be coming home to stay after they brought Imoen’s father back. With another boat ride in their future, the party prepares to dive into the cold ocean depths of The Serene Deep. What new adventure awaits the party? Will they run into Lilianna again? Who exactly are Jace and Ajani?

Office Campaign

Maalo Stormfist Egena-Viala

Level 7 Goliath CN Barbarian
/ HP


Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
02 Nov 2019

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