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Session 5: Back to the Ruins

General Summary

When we last left our adventurers...

The group had made their way back to the ruins in the woods outside of Arundel, one member short. Fortunately, a tabaxi ranger seemed to be waiting for them, eating an apple. She introduced herself as Cloud on the Mountaintop, but they could call her Cloud.

The now 5 member strong group made their way back into the ruins and down another staircase. This one proved to be tough for Talos to descend and he fell to the bottom, turning into a giant spider in the process which helped him take the damage from the fall. Old Grey also had some issues but thanks to the climbing gear and Talen he made it safely down.

The first landing had a door that was completely blocked by rubble on the other side. The landing on the bottom opened into a small room with a barred and locked door that lead into a long hallway with a large number of barred doors down either side. The party surmised correctly that this was a dungeon. A few of the doors were open and some had even fallen out of their doorways.

The group moved through quietly but still ended up in battle with some zombies and some ghouls. The party dispatched them with a little effort and then started to try and unlock the door on the far end of the hallway. As they did so, they hear the sound of footsteps coming from deeper in the ruins. They all hid but Talen stayed just in line of sight of the door to get a look at whoever was coming.

It was a human woman, beautiful, with black hair held back from her face by some sort of headband or crown. She was wearing a dark purple dress with slits up to her thighs revealing dark black leather boots. Dark black gloves covered her arms up past her elbows.

She called out, knowing that someone was there. Thalos stepped out and tried to feed her a line about being a squatter and looking for somewhere out of the rain. She didn't believe him and raised one of the ghouls behind him.

She took one hit before slipping behind a wall out of sight.

The ghoul was taken down with ease and the group eventually made it through the door and looked to see where the woman had come from.

They found a large set of double doors open just a crack. Looking through them Talen spotted a large shambling creature and a number of other smaller creatures moving slowly throughout the room.

The woman was nowhere in sight.

With still more of the ruin left to explore, will out adventurers proceed into the room? Or will they head back to town, the secrets of what the woman wanted and what else might be down here left for them to ever wonder about....

Office Campaign

Mizzix of the Imagnus (Deceased)

Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
09 Feb 2019

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