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Session 34: The Chasm Report

General Summary

When we last left our adventurers…   The chasm opened before the group, filled with a dark miasma of sediment. The group hesitated on the edge, knowing that something terrible waited below. The tied themselves together and slowly made their way down into the murky depths. The sides of the chasm were rough, pockmarked with a large variety of indentations and small caverns. As the group descend a spear shot out of one small cavern and hit Maalo, who was leading the group. She drug the party forward as she lunged for the attacker. Other party members were attacked from the murk but the party prevailed against the ambushes. Then they all heard a voice in their heads, vast and deep, offering them their greatest desires if they would only split away from the group and come to it. Sensing they needed more help they turned around and ask Zariel and her merfolk for assistance. Zariel gave them her staff with Thalso taking up the item. There was not much else the merfolk could offer the party but did beg them to complete the mission to rid them of the evil being. The party, now sporting a magical staff that cleared the water in front of them, headed back down into the chasm, reaching the bottom without being attacked again. They found a large opening in the bottom of the chasm that led into a network of tunnels. They traveled through them, eventually coming upon a group of Kuo-toa, the fish like creatures that had attacked them. These were worshiping a symbol of some kind, a large circle with sharp triangles around it, reminiscent of a mouth. Ryn had heard of something, an aboleth, that might be waiting for them. It is an ancient evil and possibly deadly. But worth getting out of the caves and the world in general.   The group of worshiping Kuo-toa stand between the party and the next section of tunnel. Will the group try to sneak by them or try to kill them all before travelling farther into the labyrinth…..

Office Campaign

Maalo Stormfist Egena-Viala

Level 7 Goliath CN Barbarian
/ HP


Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
30 Nov 2019

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